“At last my love has come along
my lonely days are over, and life is like a song…”- Etta James
That’s the song that came to mind when I was finally able to hold my phone/baby in my hands again after 7 WHOLE days!!! A bit dramatic? Yes, I’m aware of that.
Last week I had to send my iPhone 5 for repair because it was having a battery issue (it would power off at 35% battery life).
To be completely honest, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I mean, the first few days I was going through some sort of drug withdrawal (not that I would know what that’s like, I don’t do drugs). I could hear my phone ringing (not that it ever rings, nobody calls me #ForverAlone). Going to the bathroom was…boring. Would only go because I had to. I ate all this awesome food, and NO ONE KNEW ABOUT IT BUT ME (and whoever was eating it with me). My son drew this really cool abstract picture, and when his dad called me into the living room to take a picture I glared at him! AS if he doesn’t KNOW! I ended up using his Samsung phone to snap the picture. I mean, it’s an ok phone, but I wanted my baby back!

Here’s how I was able to successfully survive without a cell phone:1. First, Do NOT panic. I panicked.Which wasn’t the smartest move because I developed what is known as phantom vibration syndrome* (yes there is such thing, I wiki-ed it!).
2. Once I had calmed down, I made sure to back up my phone. Just to be on the safe side, I backed it up on my computer and on the iCloud
3. After I had sent the phone to be repaired, I waited…And waited…and waited…and…well you get the idea! It helps if you have something to pass the time with like maybe…a child that needs to be fed and such. During my waiting period I binged watched some tv shows on Netflix with my bf, and for once I wasn’t glued to a phone playing…Candy Crush Saga – King.com Limited…or checking my emails or posting 100 pictures on Instagram. I also spent some time trying to figure out how to work the sewing machine I got for Christmas. I was…productive (somewhat).
So I now that I have my baby back, it is time to restore it and go back to my normal “glued to my phone so don’t talk to me” self! Meanwhile, you guys can enjoy a classic; you’re welcome!
What is the longest you’ve ever been without your cell phone? Do you think this generation is too “connected” when it comes to our electronics? Love hearing from you guys!
*This post was grossly exaggerated for your entertainment!
LOL, that’s cute Marielle. I would love to ditch my phone. All technology too. There’s something unhealthy about living in a beautiful world only to seek to get lost in a virtual world. Life is the most entertaining and intense game we’ll ever play, why? Because we get only one life – but no one has ever invented a more exciting game.
Your not going to believe it but my cell phone hasn’t been activated in an entire year. I am just now getting my smart phone turned back on soon since I am going to be taking trips to the gym by myself.
omg a whole year???? lol and here I was going nuts over a few days lol
I barely use my phone and it is only a cell phone-nothing fancy–I use it only to call my Mom to come downstairs when I am there to pick her up–I do keep it with me in case of an emergency–
I haven’t had a cell phone in over two years…because where I live has no reception. But my kindle is always with me! I text on it, check all my Social networks, play games, you name it!
GASP – my heart dropped when I read the title of your post. You are a strong woman LOL because I honestly don’t know if I could get by without my phone even for a day.
That is too funny. I have a phone but I rarely use it. I go for a couple of weeks without even turing it on.
I had a friend ask me the other day, “what would you do without a iPhone for a full week”. honestly I would be lost. I have my calendar on it, my appointments, all ways to contact family and friends. Oh goodness. lol. Thankfully I have my iPad which is sync’d to my iPhone so I don’t lose all that info.
Oh gosh I would have gone completely insane without mu cell phone!! Kudos to you for sticking it out!
i just went through phone withdrawals myself while looking for a new one
Great post! I was in Europe for three weeks and my phone was pretty useless. I thought I would have a hard time, but really didn’t
Fun read! I actually barely use my phone! Yes, don’t kill me
I guess its because I am always around my lap top at home and desk top at work.. I use the phone just to call home or few friends that I Have.. I don’t waste time texting too haha
Hahaha! Isn’t it amazing how addicted we have all become to technology? I remember when there wasn’t even such a thing as a cell phone, and now I go nowhere without it. Thanks for sharing your survival tips.
Life With Lorelai
I think it’s absolutely amazing that you were able to go that long without your phone! I probably would have just had to buy a new one LOL (Although the past few days my phone hasn’t hardly quit with everything going on.) I DID think about throwing it in the lake on my way home today…
I have back up phones just in case I need them, I never trade in phones because of this.I know it is possible to do but I like the security of knowing my kids and husband can reach me if they need to.
I can’t imagine being without my phone for so long. It’s amazing how much of our lives and business is conducted through our cells.
How did you do it!! Honestly I don’t think I could – right now phone is on my bedside table when I’m at home I’m not so glued to it as once but I cannot go out without it! x
The longest I have been without my cell phone is 3 hours. I forgot it home one day while I was at work and as soon as lunch time came I drove home to get it. When my phone stopped working one day I went right to the Sprint store and replaced it. I can’t live without my phone and being military I have to always be reachable.
First time I had to survive two days without a cellphone I almost went nuts. But after that I sometimes forget it on purpose and I think it makes the life a lot easier not to worry about the phone and who might be calling. After all, if someone calls, you can see it in the phone and call them back.
OMG! I would die! I left mine at home one day but I was too far away when I realized. Ughhh! That was a loooong day! Never again! I’m glad you got your BABY back
I think it would make me really uncomfortable too but only because that’s my connection to my kids all the time. (They’re young adults on their own.) I could probably survive the week just fine, but oh yes, I would miss it!
Being away from our gadget can sometimes be a great thing too. I have a cellphone but seldom uses it, I think I won’t miss it if I get rid of it but it is just me.
I have gone without my phone for a week before and while I missed it, it was also liberating!
Thanks, it was pretty funny! I feel the same way about my iPad. I don’t know what I would do without it but in the end we will all be fine. I just have to think back to the 80s and 90s when we didn’t have these devices and how we lived…peacefully.
Honestly, I have a ‘dumb phone’ that doesnt have apps and I dont have a data plan. I only carry a phone when I am reminded to do it and I am always forgetting it. Now at home… dont take my internet away or my Candy Crush I have a serious addiction
Lol i only use my phone to call or text hubby or take pics but soon i will not be able to use it anymore as its screen is cracked lol,but if you took away my laptop now they would be like i don’t know but i go crazy even if i have everything done that i want to do lol.
I use to be phone crazy! But now I cant live with out my laptop! I would have a melt down!
when we moved to india i didn’t have a phone for quite a while (maybe 3 weeks?)
I use my phone like crazy and I think it’s a must to just log off and turn it off at times. You get too attached. It’s a nice break when you step away from it for awhile
I have never went a day without a phone, but I am sure I could probably manage fine without it. My iPad on the other hand… I would freak lol.
I am not sure i could survive not having a phone.. It would make me nuts.. I had a broken phone once and i didn’t know what to do..
I could do this easily. My daughter could NOT, lolol
LOL! I definitely would be freaking out if I didn’t have my iPhone for that long. I would feel so lost!
I don’t really use my phone all that much, however try to take away my iPad and it’s murder time! lol. Seriously I’m addicted to that thing like most people are to their cell phones!
Very nice! Sometimes I forget where I put my phone and if my husband isn’t home to call it, it get a lot done. hhaha Silly phones, taking all our time!
As a society, we are so glued to our phones that we just need to shut if off for a bit & just enjoy everything else around us. Don’t take me wrong, I love my phone, but even I need a break & enjoy real life
What a great write up that made my day and I couldn’t go a day…need it for work!
I think it would be good for us to be gone from them for a while, but I panic when I go to an area where I don’t have coverage:=)
I suffer from Phantom Vibration Syndrome all the time. It’s crazy. I don’t think I could make it, lol.
Did you get apple care this time?
Thankfully I did have Apple care =)
this is funny! but personally i love days without my phone!
This is so funny! Seven days seems so long, I don’t think I could do it! The worst thing that ever happened to me phone wise was when I let my 2 yr old gransdon play with my Blackberry. Well that kid managed to press the exact key sequences that resulted in my entire contact list being deleted! Did I have a backup? No, at least not a very recent one.
Great story and I love Atta James !!
Thank you
LOL. This is awesome! Love this post!
You know it’s funny as I was reading this… if we manged to live without cell phones back in the day, where it was landlines, pay phones, and beepers… we can certainly survived without a cell phone.
I say this because it’s easier said than done, but at the same time, 7 days does sound rather painful. Lol.
Lol It was very painful!
It’s sad how we rely on our cell phones so much and we seem to get more so every day. I’m so glad you were able to survive the experience. I know that my son has an emergency phone that he uses when his phone is out of service, His cell phone is his only phone and as a contractor it’s essential to have for him to have a phone.
I love this one Marielle!!! You literally cracked me up as I was reading because I remember chatting with you last week on fb while your phone was missing. At least you still had a computer! I love that you were able to get through the 7 days without your phone and I hope it does not happen to you again!
This post was too funny. You had me cracking up. I totally think we are too dependent on electronics but unfortunately if you own a business, you have to stay connected!
This really did make me LOL … I actually hate my phone and have no idea how to use it … I only bought it because my laptop broke … now that was torture … I think I nearly died while I was waiting for it to be fixed
… once I got it back the phone was tossed to one side until I lost my 10 year old one!
Istill don’t know how to make it do the internet and I have to have a pointy stick to text with! xxx
That’s pretty funny. I just got my iPod touch back after like 5 months!
I can honestly say I have never, ever gone that long without my cell phone. But I sure remember what life was like when I did not have one. Sometimes I wish we didn’t have cell phones, computers and all those tec gadgets that so many of us just can not live without anymore. I swear my kids are getting addicted to their little electronic devices. Sad, so sad. Glad to hear you survived without your cell phone for such a long time. Have a terrific weekend!