This post is an unfiltered conversation I had with my 8-year-old son the other day. Ok, it was more of a debate that got pretty heated. At the end of it all, I was left thinking “Where did I go wrong with him?” and “Is it because he is so much like me?”. Why am I sharing this story with you guys? I guess part of me wants to feel that I’m not alone in my struggle. Keep reading to find out how a debated about Master Chief VS Popeye had me questioning my parenting skills.
When Master Chief VS Popeye Has You Questioning Your Parenting Skills
Alright, so I know that not everyone knows who Master Chief is (more about him in a bit), but you remember Popeye, the sailor man? I’m sure at one point or another your parents told you that eating all your spinach will make you strong like Popeye. I never bought into that, but I know some of you might (no shame here). Anyways, I’m in the kitchen making breakfast. My son is sitting at the table with the iPad watching some random video on YouTube. That’s when I hear the Popeye the Sailorman theme song playing. Being me, I started to sing along. My son isn’t a big fan of my singing, but because I was showing interest in his video, he let it slide. Then he asked me “Who’s Popeye?”
Who’s Popeye? What do you mean? How do you not KNOW who Popeye is?
So I told him the truth. That “Popeye is the strongest man alive. You want to be like Popeye. To do that, you have to make sure you eat all your spinach.”
It should have ended there…But my son is a Master Chief fan. According to him, he is “the biggest fan.” So he didn’t buy into my answer at all!
For those of you that do not play video games or have no children that plays, Master Chief is the main character of this Xbox* game called “Hallo.” I wish I could give more info, but that’s all I know about the dude.
We went back and forth for a good 10 minutes (while unloading the dishwasher and making sure the eggs didn’t get burnt).
He did have some valid points. The Master Chief has an assault rifle and rocket launchers. Whiles Popeye has large muscles. I wish I had recorded our conversation. My son is excellent at debates. I think he gets that from his father.
Parenting is hard enough without random discussions about Master Chief and Popeye. Here’re a few things to keep in mind.
Try not to beat yourself up that your child doesn’t know who the heck Popeye is.
Show interest in what they do. Even if it is something as boring as playing Halo (I can’t, I just can’t).
It’s ok to let them win arguments (especially the ones about Master Chief VS Popeye).
Enjoy every little moment you have with them.
Who do you think would win? Master Chief or Popeye? I’d like to think that Popeye would win! Leave a comment below and tell me which one of the two would win. Ever had debates with your kids that left you questioning yourself as a parent? Share! I can’t be alone!
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My son never got into Halo….but he never got into Popeye either. Some of the things he liked were hard to show interest in, but I tried. Same with my daughter.
It can be hard lol My son is more about his video games. Luckily enough, his dad his huge into video games too.
If you look at this comparison from a purely skill/advantage standpoint, it’s Master Chief all the way. I love Popeye, but Master Chief would light him up with some Halo gun before Popeye got close enough to clobber him. =/
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Always Like a Girl Campaign #Always #LikeAGirl #BeRadiant #WearWhatYouWant
So true! I so wanted Popeye to win, though! *insert crying emoji*
Lol! I guess each generation has their own heroes. I definitely think it’s okay to let your child win arguments.
So cute how each generation has their own set of hereos, my eye is on Popeye 😉 What a fun read, I had no idea about Master Chief.
LOL this is great. I loved popeye growing up!! I always ate my spinach hahaha
Angela Kanellopoulos recently posted…The Beauty & The Beast teaser poster is now available!
This is funny! I would go for Popeye in this one, but probably because I grew up old school.
Amber Nelson recently posted…50 Baby & Toddler Pool Floats Amazon Round Up
Popeye would for sure be my choice, but its different now. I totally get it. I have an almost 13 year old and totally let him win sometimes when the arguments are concerned!
I have never been into video games at all, but I know it is popular with kids (and some men I know, too!). I don’t think they would ever make me question my parenting skills but maybe encourage me to lighten up a bit?!?
Great tips! Since I’ve become a mom and my little girl has become a little lady I’ve been introduced to a new world of characters and experiences that I know nothing about. My little one is also extremely strong willed and bullheaded, much like her mother, and always has a life lesson to share with me when we talk. I take interest in what she does, try to understand the new concepts, and listen. It’s all about listening. Keep on keeping on mama!
Kids are so funny. My daughter says some very funny things to me. And it is impossible to know what she is talking about all the time. lol
I loved Popeye growing up. I wonder if my kids know who he is. Having kids means having to stay on your toes at all times!
I don’t think my kids would know who Popeye is either. He wasn’t on cartoons when my older kids were fans of cartoons.
I do try to keep up with the kids video game and television show trends. There are so many things new today.
I’m thinking Hulk would be the new Popeye.
Up Run For Life recently posted…My Weight Loss Journey – Week 21
I thought this was such a great post. I’m almost positive my girls have no idea who popeye is. I should show him them and see what they say. It’s so funny what kids say these days.
Haha I loved Popeye! Totally forgot he even existed though so it’s safe to say my daughter would have no clue who he is lol
Aww, this brought back memories of my childhood. I watched Popeye almost everyday back then. My son knew him, but he hasn’t seen him as much as I did. 🙂
I’ve always had fond memories of Popeye from my childhood so I would have to go with him. I am not sure my boys even know who he is.
My children were still able to watch Popeye when they were kids. The “eat your spinach” thing worked with them for a while until they got into video games too. Life was really simpler 30 years ago.
I barely knew Popeye, so I’m sure my kids don’t know who he is at all. My son does enjoy playing Halo.
Stephanie of The TipToe Fairy recently posted…Pretty Pintastic Party #115
I often find myself asking what I am doing wrong with my kids! My daughter, especially, is her mother’s daughter!
I don’t know that my boys have ever seen Popeye, but they know who he is from Full House. lol What a great reminder that I don’t have to win every argument!!! I feel like as Mom I SHOULD win them all. ha
Im not sure who master chief is Im pretty partial to popeye
This is super funny, I would go with Popeye every time 🙂 Grew up watching Popeye!
My dad is turning 80 this year & always telling me about the comic books that were his favorite as a kid. I don’t know any of them! I guess my kids feel the same about my heroes.
Crystal recently posted…Behind the Scenes of a School Lunch Menu
Your son is so clever. I always go with Popeye, he is so strong just because of spinach!
I would like to think that Popeye would win! I love your son. I wish that debate was on record, too! Your son is the best!
I remember watching Popeye as a child so I’d say he is always a great choice for strength and health. Good one there!
I’m going to have to go with Popeye, but that’s only because I know nothing about Halo or Master Chief. I will say that every time my kids have no idea who a cultural icon, like Popeye, is I do question my parenting a bit…Where did I go wrong? LOL
My dad’s nickname for me is ‘Sweet Pea’ after the baby on Popeye because he said I looked like Sweet Pea in a onesie! LOL 🙂
You can definitely add me to #TeamPopeye
RIP Daddy I miss you 🙂
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