As I’m sitting here stress eating on leftover Halloween, something dawned on me. Why is there so many freaking Rockets in this pile? It would appear that we got a LOT of Halloween candy rejects this year. Because I’m running out of ideas for a blog post (dang you writer’s block), I thought it would make a fun post to see which Halloween candy made the reject list.
Top 7 Halloween Candy Rejects
I only picked the top 7 Halloween candy rejects. Let me know if you agree.
- Rockets. When I was a kid I used to refer to them as “pills.”
- Double Lollies. This reminds me of chalk. Don’t ask me why I know what chalk tastes like….
- Orange lollipop. Like, why? Who eats orange lollipop?! My favorite is the red ones, but they had NONE in our pile this year. Booo!
- Dubble Bubble. Like eating rubber.
- Candy necklace/bracelet. Again, who came up with this??!
- Random no-name chocolate (with the crispy wafers inside…yuck!)
- Candy corn. Thankful, we didn’t get any of those abominations!
Bonus Reject: Black licorice!! Do they even make them anymore? I haven’t seen them in years!
I think that is it. Can you think of other candies that should be on the reject list? I love to hear from you!
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I’m with you on most of these, but I actually think candy corn is delicious. And also generic chocolate. I like those, too. Go figure. LOL
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…National Diabetes Month Get to Know Fifty50 Foods #Fifty50Foods4Diabetes
Oh yeah. These are all awful. The weird candy necklaces are the worst. They taste like colored chalk!
Paula Schuck recently posted…National Diabetes Month Get to Know Fifty50 Foods #Fifty50Foods4Diabetes
I like all of these but agree with you on Black Licorice. They do still make it but I have never been able to stand it. I love candy necklaces!
I never liked those necklace or bracelet candies. I agree they taste like chalk. Lol.
OurFamilyWorld recently posted…5 Funny Talking Dog Videos on Facebook
I agree with most of these, I am not a fan of anything orange flavored! Ew!!
ricci recently posted…Sneak Peek of the Brand New Ronald McDonald House of Arkansas
I love smarties.
I agree the off brand chocolate is gross. There is some peanut but taffy in orange/black wrappers that are rejects here.
uprunforlife recently posted…9 Brilliant Ways to Get Rid of Your Leftover Halloween Candy
YES! The gum one is a huge one that always gets thrown away at our house. That stuff will make your jaw burn! ha!
I can agree with you for most of the items but I can’t lie I do actually like orange lollipops. Candy jewelry was always so fun to eat when I was a kid but does kind of gross me out nowadays.
Haha. .love this! I think the candy necklace is the weirdest, my kids still got them this past Halloween
I do not let the kids eat Rockets. It like pure sugar in a pill form. These are all pretty bad.
My daughter got a gummy candy bracelet that was pretty nasty and sticky. Much worse than the hard candy bracelet.
Stephanie of The TipToe Fairy recently posted…Dessert and Book Review: Victoria
I feel bad during Halloween because we waste a lot of candies. I agree with your list.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Halloween 2016
I can’t think of any other candy to add on the list. Our son never had any problems with the candies that he gets. He eats them all. LOL.
And with your most of these candy reject choices. But I do love candy necklaces and lolly Dolly Pops