I’ve been blogging for a few years now, but I’m always learning something new every day when it comes to blogging. Today I wanted to share some tips when it comes to choosing your blog name.
Tips For Choosing Your Blog Name
First, a little background on how I came up with my blog name “Lady Marielle.”
The name Lady Marielle is what I had for my Twitter handle since 2009. This where having a unique name is cool. None one was using that username. So whenever I joined a new platform, I would always go for lady Marielle. The two platform that I had to add a number were Pinterest (ladymarielle27) and YouTube (ladymarielle24). When I search who owned these handles, I was really disappointed that the person using it was not really “using” it. Oh well. You can’t have it all.
My first WordPress blog was on the free platform and was called Lady Marielle (House of Lords). I started referring to myself as “Lady” because my SO’s last name is Lord. I just thought it was fun.
Later on, when I joined, Scentsy I was looking for a name for my FB Scentsy page and my sponsor came up with Lady Scentsalot.
It made sense at the time to go with Lady Scentsalot for my blog. The only issue was now; I had to create new social media accounts. I didn’t want to do that, though. Which is why in April 2014 I re-branded to Lady Marielle when I moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress.
Here’re three things to keep in mind when picking a domain name for your blog/brand.
Make it easy to type and remembered
Lady Scentsalot is unique and fun, but I somehow would make a mistake when writing the “Scentsalot” part. Now if I made a mistake writing my name…well we have a problem.
Make it Unique
When I was little, I used to hate my name. Why? Because I could never find any personalized pen with the name “Marielle” (I know…lame!). I went to high school in Florida, and the teachers would always pronounce my name wrong. One of my close friend (at the time) would always spell my name in a different way just to tease me. Marielle, Mariella. But the fun thing was in my whole school; there was ONE Marielle. Me! The name is more common here in Canada, but if you were to Google “Lady Marielle,” I’m the only one that comes up.
Pick a name that is relevant to what your blog will be about.
Lady Scentsalot was great when all I did was blog about Scentsy. But I didn’t want to write only about wax. I wanted to talk about all the awesome things that I love. So when picking a name try to pick something that will reflect on what you want people to remember you by.
So there you have it, folks. Blogging is fun! Make sure you start off right by picking the best blog name for you.
If you are looking to get a domain name, check out GoDaddy (not affiliated, that’s just where I got my domain from)
I love to hear from you. Tell me a fun fact on how you came to pick your domain name. Do you ever wish you had chosen something else?
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p.S I do not consider myself to be a blogging guru. These are tips that I wish I had known from day one when I first started blogging.
Great tips!
I always tell others to think long and hard before deciding on a name because if it is too narrow and you want to change the focus of your blog it can be a bit awkward
Mardene Carr recently posted…Shyly So
I’d certainly agree. The blog name plays a big and vital role in the success and future of your blogs.
Miles L. recently posted…Noise, me and Fibromyalgia
These are nice tips that new bloggers can learn from. My blog name is the same blog name that I had from before. I picked it because it describes me 🙂
It took me forever to figure out my name. I kept a list of different ideas and I’d bounce off the ideas off my husband. He eventually helped me find a great one.
Great tips. I chose my blog name because my fashion is often inspired by nature and because I wear a lot of transitional pieces it makes sense to name it Faded Spring.
Ana De- Jesus recently posted…Why I Became A Social Justice Advocate
okay ladyscentsalot is the coolest name! My nickname is Elle and one day My Belle Elle just popped into my head and it became my blog name
Michelle recently posted…Ideas for Gifts for Valentine’s Day
Good advice. I loved learning about how you got your name Lady Marielle. Unique and now I will always remember it.
That’s right. It’s better to make your blog name related to what you’re writing about but also still reflect your personality. Thanks for the ideas.
I absolutely a great tips. I have a friend that wants to start blogging. She would know about this i will share it to her
You’re right about when it’s unique. It’s hard to keep it straight who is who when companies or blogs have very similar names. That being said I just saw your post about your baby girl being entered in a pretty baby contest, and OH YES YOU SHOULD! She’s a little darling!
Heheh Thank you Rosey!!! I wasn’t sure at first. I wanted to enter Tristan when he was little but never did. AJ is so cute I just could not help myself hehe
I love this ideas and I wish I had known this when I started my blog. Mine is too long.
Before I ever started my blog, I knew EXACTLY what I would name it. And I did 🙂
These are great tips. Coming up with a blog name is a lot harder than I expected it to be.
Picking a blog name can be such a hard decision! It took me several tries to find one that I really like.
I actually have to change mine again. My daughter joined me and now i need a name that is inclusive of both of us.
LIz Mays recently posted…Beach Housin’ in the Brunswick Islands North Carolina
Nice tips on choosing a name. Choosing a name is the most important thing for a blogger.
This is probably one of the hardest choices to make. Great tips!
It is hard. I know a lot of bloggers who ends up changing their blog name eventually.
I wish I would have chosen a different name when I started my blog many years ago. But, since I didn’t, I am kind of stuck as to what I post about.
Terry recently posted…How My Sister And I Are Balancing Our PH Levels
Have you ever thought of changing the name of your blog? I’m so glad I ended up going with Lady Marielle. It allows me to blog about pretty much anything I love! =)
You have to be so careful when you’re deciding on a blog name. Of course, you can rebrand yourself, but it’s difficult. I rebranded, and it was a pain.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Wishes for a New Year: Star Darlings from Disney
It took me a long time to pick out the name that I wanted for my blog. Personally I think it was catchy and fun. People knew what my blog was going to be all about.
Jeanette recently posted…Game Day Snack Ideas
There’s nothing worse than having regret about your blog name. Memorable and easy are great tips when choosing. Think of every aspect and genre of people when choosing. Thanks for these tips.
I never had a hard time finding a name for my blog! I twas so easy, maybe because I had the idea awhile already
I think one of the things that happens when people come up with a name is that they have several words, and when each word is spoken on its own it sounds fine, but when you combine them to create a domain name, you can actually create something that sounds completely different because the individual words become one longer word. So you may mean for the name to sound one way, but when you read the domain URL the name may sound completely different, and perhaps not in a good way.
Sicorra@NotNowMomsBusy recently posted…A Backup Plan for the Bad Day With Attitude
I chose my social media names before deciding to really put my blog out there, so I don’t have the same ones (or even similar ones!) for each account. I’m really kicking myself for that one!
These are great tips. I think the key here is to make it easy to remember and concise.
Relevancy is definitely key. These are all great tips.
Amber NElson recently posted…5 Ways You Can Protect Your Baby From RSV #PreemieProtection #RSVAwareness
I have been thinking about changing my blog name. I chose an actual name when I started because I felt like being a blogger was a different part of me… I dont really feel that way anymore. Plus, I wonder if STYLE was in my blog somewhere, if it would attract more people.
alexandria recently posted…MONTIEL
Thanks for sharing this. I am planning to start another new blog and its so hard to choose a name for my blog. Glad you share this
This is great information for new blog owners. Choosing the right blog name is definitely important.
Erica Brooks recently posted…Freshwater Pearl Swarovski Crystal Bead and Rhinestone Hair Comb in Silver or Gold SA002
These is so helpful, anyone started a blog I hope they read this first, as people must understand how important this step is.
Katalina @ Peas & Peonies recently posted…Dense Chocolate Cake and Game Day Party
These are great tips for choosing a blog name. I know my blog name came pretty easily once I decided what I was going to be writing about!
lisa recently posted…Build A Snowman Kit
I wish I would have taken more time to find a more suitable name for my blog. I’ve often thought about changing it, but then I worry that my online identity would take a hit.
Theresa recently posted…Ice Fun at Niles Ice Festival
These are great tips for newbies! I remember how hard it was for me to pick my blogs name. It was a crossover blog from couponing to mommy blogging so it had to fit my old style yet become new.
Jessica Simms recently posted…Valentine’s Day Strawberry Red Velvet Cupcakes
This is great information for new bloggers or those looking to add another blog. Thanks!
I love your blog name and how you chose it. These are great tips for new bloggers. I recently just switched back to Go Daddy and am glad I did so.
“Pick a name that is relevant to what your blog will be about.” if I could turn back the hands of time, I would have done that in the beginning. Of course I had no idea what I was doing or that it could actually turn into a long term business.
Carlee C recently posted…Goosebumps Inspired Monster Blood Sherbet Floats With Lawn Gnome Popcorn! #MakeItAMovieNight
These are great tips, especially for new bloggers. I like a name that is not too specific, so I can easily change the focus of my blog, just in case.
Dogvills recently posted…The Best Quotes From The Revenant
Awesome tips! Great for beginners who are thinking about getting their own domain name.
Ron Leyba recently posted…Want To Make Decent Amount of Money With Your Blog? Try This High Paying Network!
Great post! I named mine after my family. I have thought about what name I would use in the future though.
I’ve been blogging since 98/99 and back then it was a lot easier to come up with names and the url being available. I find now you have to be really unique and really try hard otherwise you are out of luck!
I wish I had these tips when I was first starting out. I really struggled coming up with a name!
Me too. I ended up re-branding as a last resort. I hope someone that is starting out a blog will come across this post and it will help them.
I would add…for the love…don’t use hyphens! It looks cute but try spelling out horseshoes-n-handgreandes.com for someone when they ask…I love my blog and it’s name, but if I had to do it over again or ever re-branded, I’d get rid of the hyphens…
This is so true. A good blog name should be easy to remember. It took me a while to come up with mine.
These are great tips for coming up with a good blog name. Keep it simple is the best advice. I love the Owl wax warmer in you photo.
These are wonderful tips. Coming up with a good blog name can be daunting.
OurFamilyWorld recently posted…Military Inspired Dog Names You’ll Love
I have 8 domain names and I love every one of them. There are two that I am not fond of but those are my husband’s former blogs that I acquired lol.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Snow Day Fun and my Little Helpers in Shoveling Snow
These are wonderful tips for choosing a name for your blog. Sometimes these are the things that can hang you up! Love making it unique!
It took me a while to figure out a name for my blog. I’m still not sure I’m satisfied with it and it’s been five years. I think often about changing it, but I most likely will be leaving it alone.
I have been creating websites and blogging for about 20 years. Over the last 7 or 8 I have built websites , blogged on them, got bored or grew out the brand and either flipped them or merged them into another site. It really can be a pain in the rear to find the right name, but I believe good things come to those wh
I had my blog name before I even knew what I was going to do with it! lol I love the whole play on Lord & Lady, very kitschy!
I decided to do a gossip blog and named it Our Lips Are Moving. Now I do women empowerment and luckily the name still sticks.
Coming up with a new name, or name is a daunting task! I know we thought for what seemed liek forever, when we were creating our healthy Cupboards blog! Thanks for the great tips!
Jesica H recently posted…Simple and Realistic Beauty Tips for Game Day
All very true. Since I’m an ever changing person, I want to talk about what I want to talk about, thus leaving my blog name as my name!
I never gave much thought to my blog name. It’s from SO LONG ago that I kind of just stuck with it. If I was ever to change it I’d probably go with my own name. Good tips though!
These are great tips for choosing your blog name for any new blogger. It is so important to research everything before starting a blog. I love that you are sharing these tips. It will help so many when starting there blog.
I think choosing a Blog Name is a big thing as you need to make sure they stand out among thd crowd & able to make a statement on visitors mind right away. These are some great tips to note & I agree making it easy to type & remember wins the race.
I say relevant and something easy to remember. If people can’t pronounce it than they are less likely to remember.
I have good names for my fashion and beauty blogs, but all of the good names were seemingly taken when I thought of To the Motherhood. I have bought a new name for it, but it has been a process of thinking of a good time to make the final switch.
I think Lady Marielle is a great name 🙂
I have two blogs and I think they both suit their names – With love from Lou is about all the things I love (and my name is Lou, obviously) and Eat Sleep Blog Repeat is full of blogging and social media tips. People never forget the second one either, which is great!
Louise x
I started a blog a few years ago called random loves in life because I wanted to post all about the many interests that I have, but now I really want to change the name. I feel like the name is really boring and doesn’t really represent who I am. I was thinking about using my name (Tracy) but I feel like my name is not unique enough or doesn’t really fit with a lot of word combos.