What’s it like to have an older sibling? I’m the eldest of 4 children. When I was little, I remember wishing that I had an older brother. I felt like I was missing out on all the perks that came with having an older sibling. What are these perks? Well, the other day, I asked my son “What are big brothers for?” I think his answers are pretty accurate. Although my daughter can’t talk yet, I’m sure she would agree with him. I made a little video showing the perks of having a big brother according to my daughter. Hope you enjoy it!
The Perks Of Having A Big Brother
- Taking pictures with
- Good for hugging
- Feeding
- Playing
- Being silly
- Protecting from bullies (even when you are the one being a bully)
- Reading stories
- Cuddles
- Playing
- Always there
My daughter loves her big brother so very much. You can tell just by her smile when he walks into the room. Or how she lays her hand on his chest or arm when he is near.
Do you have an older sibling? What would you say are the perks of having an older sibling? Let me know in the comments below or head on over to my YouTube video and leave me a comment there. Thank you for the awesome support! Check out the Family section on the blog for more fun post featuring the kids.
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I do not have a older sibling. I have a step brother and three half siblings.
My step brother he is younger but he is way taller then I am so he is almost kinda like a big brother but only in height.
Your kids are so cute I wish I had a big brother sometimes
Amanda Ripsam recently posted…Daisy® Sour Cream bzzagent campaign
I actually have an older brother and it’s pretty great. While he’s 13yrs older than me, I remember him always being around and protecting me. He’s still one of my best friend.
Amanda Love recently posted…How to Be Confident While Single
I don’t have an older brother or sister–I was an only child. Yes, I would have loved to have an older sibling to look up to and who would watch out for me.
Michele recently posted…$150 Target GC GA-DROPPRICE-1-US-Ends 7/26
Older siblings can have such an effect on someone growing up. Both your kiddos are aradoable, your son is gonna be her proctector as she gets older.
Tammilee Tips recently posted…Top Things to do in Death Valley
How cute! I am the oldest but I can tell the bond my youngest has with his sister and brother and they are priceless.
This is so adorable! I love seeing big brother stories, my children are a bit different as my only girl is the oldest then she has her two little brothers. I love watching how big brothers are to their little sisters with all of my friends!
Super cute! I don’t think any of kids see a perk in having a big brother right now. He’s at this preteen stage that is not pretty.
Aww, this is so sweet. I only have older brothers and it was nice always having someone at home to play with.
I have two older sisters and a older brother. I love having older siblings, they have always looked out for me.
Big brothers are the best. My younger daughters are always protected by a shield of big brother awesome.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Celebrate Four-Legged Heroes with Merial, the maker of NexGard® (afoxolaner)
I am the oldest and always wanted an older brother. Your son has the best answers. The video is beyond adorable. If anyone didn’t watch it – they are missing out on their dose of cuteness for the day!!
I showed this to my wife who has two older brothers. She says the bad outweighs the good! LOL
Scott recently posted…Long Rides with Lightweight Bikes for Kids
I have two older brothers and I would say they perks are coming more now than when I was a kid. We are really close and I know I can count on them.
Jeanette recently posted…Summer Camping Essentials
Having a big brother is not a gift I was ever able to have. I am beyond excited for my little boy to be a big brother next year!
How cute! I am also the eldest of three siblings. Next to me is my brother who is just a year younger. When we were little, I was always the big sister, but now that we’re all grown up, he is more like a big brother to me. 🙂
Dogvills recently posted…All The Really Good Reality TV Shows That Got Too Real
This is so true! I was an only child and always wished I had a big brother. So when we started having children I really “hoped” we had a boy first and we did! Boy then a little girl! Our son is so great with our daughter! Our daughter absolutely loves her big brother and looks up to him.
Carrie recently posted…Lemon Drop and Honey Foot Scrub
I have a gentle natured, kind big brother and, growing up, he was a good brother to all of us… it can be an asset.
They’re so cute! I think it’s great to have siblings. They may not always get along, but it’s nice for them to have someone to play with.
Having a big brother is a special thing. I was the oldest in my family. I have loved watching my Son be a great big Brother to his Sister.
I have a big brother and I think the perks are pretty awesome!! Great post!!
ricci recently posted…Cherry Beer-garita {recipe}
So sweet! Your kids are just precious. 🙂 I was the oldest too (except for older step-siblings who never lived with us). My son is such a great big brother to his baby sister too. I love seeing how much they love & enjoy each other.
Only child of an only child and I do not plan to have any children. Let’s just say we are a small family! 🙂
My mom must have done a great job because to be honest I never missed having siblings.
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I was the oldest in my family too!!! I always wished I had an older sister. I thought it would of been so fun!
How sweet! There is a 6-year age difference between my son and daughter. My son plays his older brother role well!
I’m the eldest of 4 children too! I did not mind being eldest when I was a kid, but now I’m thinking that I’d like to have an older brother or sister.
Awww, this is adorable. She is looking at him like she is hanging on his every word. Big brothers rock and I sure miss mine. – Yolonda
The Cubicle Chick recently posted…Making Family Memories During Difficult Times
I am the oldest of five and I have no clue what it is like having an older sibling especially brother. My brother is younger.
I remember when I found out I was expecting with my youngest. I was worried about the huge age difference between them. My older son and the youngest have bonded so well. He is an amazing big brother.
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I have always wished I had a elder brother, but mine are all younger ones. I love that adorable video of your daughter & how much she loves her big brother. It is true that Older siblings make the best of guidance & care for the little ones.
I have two big brothers and I certainly know the perks. 🙂 Love the photos. They are both adorable.
OH mt goodness how sweet! I am an only child, but I imagine it’s a joy to have a sibling!
I have a big brother and 2 younger ones. I can totally attest to the perks of having a big brother.
Your kids are so cute! I have 2 big sisters, both live far away 🙁 wish i had an elder brother
I really wish I had siblings. 🙁 Being the only child sucks! I’m so glad my kids got each other for everything you mentioned.
I am an only child and I always wished I had a sibling. I have two daughters and I love seeing them interact with each other. I do wish they had an older brother.
I’m the oldest child so haven’t experienced the perks of an older sibling. I love that your kids have such a special bond!
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