If you’ve been following my blog long enough, then you’ve probably seen Grandma “With the White Hair” a few times. She’s always been an important part of our lives, and I love bragging about how amazing she is. Today I’m sharing a few reasons why grandparents (primarily, Grandma “with the white hair”) are important in our family.
The Importance of Grandparents in Our Family
Grandma with the white hair
When my son was born in 2008, Grandma “With the White Hair” was merely Grandma. In 2011, Demo’s mother moved back to Montreal, and my then 3-year son was faced with a dilemma; there were now two grandmas!! I don’t remember when exactly he started referring to his great-grandmother as Grandma “with the white hair,” but it just stuck with everyone. She’s always been, a strong independent woman. At 76 she was taking 45 minutes bus/subway ride to our house weekly. She’s not as fast as she used to be but she’s still a force to be reckoned with.
Grandma to the rescue!
I can’t praise this woman enough. When I went back to work in 2009, I was stressed out! I needed to work minimum 20 hours a week to keep my job. I was working about 4 hours a day but to meet my 20 hours, I had to work a full day on Mondays (9-5). This was an issue because;
1. My son’s daycare closed at 6 pm.
2. I work about 1:30 hour away from home.
Without me having to ask, she volunteered to come over every Monday. She would pick up my son from daycare, take him to the park, feed him and stay until either Demo or myself came home from work.
Fun fact: 49% of Canadian seniors report providing child care support to a younger friend or family member within the last six months, compared with 30% of Canadians who say they receive this support.
Not only did she take care of my son during those years I needed help the most, but she would come over to help me with some of the chores. Till this day, when she knows she’s coming over she calls me and tells me to prepare clothes for her to fold (a task that I loathe!).
Bonding with the grandbabies
One of the things that cannot be denied is the love that grandma has for her grandbabies. She’s the grandma that will buy you a gift for Halloween. The one that sneaks you 5$ to “buy something you like” at the store. The kids adore her, and that’s what counts for me.
Getting older
This year she celebrated her 84th birthday. She’s not as fast as she used to be. Gets mad if you nag her about what she eats or how fast she goes up and down the stairs. Despite it all, I always look forward to her visit. I know it bothers her a lot that she’s not as present as she used to be. She’s always been so active, and we can tell that having to rely on others doesn’t sit well with her. At times she can even be stubborn. But in the last ten years that I’ve known her, she hasn’t flaked on her grandchildren or us. Not once. That’s pretty impressive, right?
I rarely ever talk about my side of the family. You see, my mom is in Haiti and so is my grandmother. I’m blessed that they are alive and well, but I haven’t seen either one since I was six years old. Even though this post is about the importance of grandparents, I wanted to focus and dedicate this post to Grandma “with the white hair.” She’s been a constant presence in my children’s lives, and for that, I am forever grateful. My kids are blessed to be surrounded by people that love them. I couldn’t ask for more.
Grandma “with the white hair” is the real MVP!
Let’s chat: Are your children’s grandparents present in their lives?
Grandparents give back in many ways and Zoomer Magazine is hosting a contest for seniors who give back to their friends and families. Head over to http://www.everythingzoomer.com/loveyourage/ to help narrow down the winners!
Be sure to subscribe to my blog for an update when a new post is live!
This article has been sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur, but the opinions shared are my own.
My kids were very close to my parents. They were DEVASTATED when my mom passed this winter.
I am super close with my grandparents and my parents are super close with my little boy. We even facetime with my in laws all the time!
Grandparents (and the rest of the extended family) go a long way towards the proper raising of a child. Not just the help, but the maturity they extend to the kids.
Scott recently posted…EGG Series #3: King’s Kilt Game Overview
I LOVE that Grandma with the white hair (love it!) is such a part of your family. Kids SO need grandparents, and I just can’t imagine what people do without extended family near. You are blessed!
Grandparents are so important. I’m closed with my grandparents and missed them dearly. So happy that my parents are here to visit so that they can spend some bonding time with my children this summer.
I was always super close with my grandparents. My mom is trying to be the same with my kiddos.
Heather Johnson recently posted…Preventing Hot Car Deaths
How awesome is this? So neat. She seems like an amazing grandma!
Alicia recently posted…5 Activities to Do During the Summer with Kids
Grandparents are so important for every family. We currently live with my in laws and they help so much with our two young kids. I love that they have an awesome relationship with the kids.
Carrie@thelavenderhytta recently posted…Great Reasons to Hang Dry Clothing
My children were blessed with a grandma that could watch them while I worked. I just hope they continue to see her as they enter adulthood.
She just looks like such a lovely woman! What radiant energy she has! My husband and I were just talking the other night about this issue for working parents! Our kids are young adults now and I have worked from home – forever – but he is a manager at his work and often there are issues for people with young children. So glad you had her to help!
Joely Smith recently posted…Calm Your Dog With Therabis: Relief From Storms, Fireworks, Sirens and More
This really strikes a chord with me. Grandparents are so important to our development. I’ve always been extremely close with my grandparents, I can’t imagine life without them.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Teen Bedroom Decor: A Room of Her Own
It’s awesome that grandparents are an intricate part of your family. Kids can learn so much from their grandparents and it’s such great therapy for grandparents as they get older to be around young children.
She sounds like a wonderful woman. Having grandparents makes a world of difference. They are without a doubt a blessing!
My sons have one grandmother who is my mom. Their dad’s mom died when they were young but always was involved in her grandchildren’s life. She helped me so much with my oldest. He was a toddler when I was going to college and working. My mother has always been involved in her grandchildren’s life also but has been sick for about a 1 1/2 yr now. . She was there when the kids needed to talk or just to hang out. Even though she goes and goes mind wise she still tries to spoil them. Thanks for sharing your thought and Grandma with the white hair.
This is true! What a very touching article, I love the topic cos I grew up with my grandma and I can totally relate!
I really miss my grandparents. I was always so close with my mom’s parents, and I lost the last one at 17. For folks lucky enough to have them around, spend time with them!
Having grandparents when kids are growing up is essential. My kids don’t have one nearby since my FIL passed away so we are planning to visit my Mom in the Philippines next year.
Rose Cottrill recently posted…#Birthday: 44 and Lovin It
I miss my grandmother on my dad’s side. She passed away about 9 years ago. I loved to stay with her and do things with her. I would love to see her again. Grandparents are so important. They should not be taken for granted.
I miss having my grandparents around. My moms parents were more active in our lives growing up because they were my primary caregiver while my parents worked. My kids weren’t blessed enough to meet my moms parents. My older two kids got to meet my dads parents. They didn’t get to see them often because I lived in NC and they lived in TX.
uprunforlife recently posted…Top 10 Best Home Remedies to Ease Arthritis Symptoms
The importance of grandparents in the lives of children can’t be denied. Before our culture became so mobile, it was common for children to grow up surrounded by extended family, including one or both sets of grandparents; who often moved in with their adult children when they became frail.
Lisa @ NatureImmerse recently posted…Best Bowie Knife Reviews 2017
I agree. As long as the relationship is healthy and encouraging, grandparents should be involved with their grandchildren.
Marissa Zurfluh recently posted…Bang-Bang Shrimp Lettuce Cups
I love this!! Grandparents are so important, my grandmother died twenty years ago but that relationship still influences me today! I miss her everyday