Hi loves, Happy Sunday! I finally fixed some issues I was having on my website, and now the new blog theme is up. Yay! What do you think? To end the week on an even more exciting note, we got a surprise visit from my sister and my nephew! The last time I saw her was in November, so we were way overdue for a visit. My sister lives an hour away by train, so visiting is not always possible. Especially with the horrible temperature, we’ve been having.
Surprise Visit From My Nephew
Friday I got a text from my sister that she was coming over for a surprise visit. We had plans to spend New Years together, but the weather was just horrid. The kids (mostly Tristan) were super excited to see their baby cousin again. Jazzy stayed still long enough for this cute picture below.
After a lovely weekend of snuggling my cutie pie nephew, they had to go back home. I was so sad they had to leave. We made plans to see each other again before the end of the month.
What did you do over the weekend?
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Awww so cute, how he looks at Jazzy ????????
This surprise is so loving ?