Want Strong, Healthy Teeth? Try Adding These Foods to Your Diet When it comes to oral health, most of us do everything right. Brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash can do a lot when it comes to keeping our teeth healthy and strong. But what not many people realize is that the food we consume can…
How To Encourage Independent Play In Toddlers | Philips Avent Digital Monitor
Almost two years ago, I decided to stay home because I didn’t want to send my daughter to daycare. I was blessed to find something that I love and could do from the comfort of my home. It’s been a blessing that I never thought could be possible. I’m not going to lie though, the…
Amazon Echo Giveaway
How would you like to win an Amazon Echo? With the introduction of the Amazon Echo’s Alexa Skill Blueprints, we will be giving an Echo away to one lucky reader. Millions of customers use Alexa’s many skills every day to make their lives a little easier and a lot more fun. Now with Skill Blueprints,…
Things To Do When You’re Bored & Blue
If you feel as though you’re always bored, and it’s starting to make you feel a bit blue, then there are things we can do to sort this. Everyone goes through a stage in their life where everything just seems boring. Things might not be what they once used to, such as the times of…
Grateful Sunday | Spring Has Sprung!
Hi loves, welcome back! The rain stopped a few days ago, and we’ve had nothing but sunshine! Don’t want to jinx it but I feel that spring has sprung and I’ve excited! We did a lot of yard work (by we I mean Demo and the kids, I took pictures and kept out of their…
5 Simple and Inexpensive Ways to Make your Bathroom Look Better
Over the last few months, I’ve been obsessed with home decor and renovations. I spend hours on Pinterest and some of my favorite online stores looking for inspiration. Last year I tackled the guest bedroom, so it only makes sense to do the guest bathroom next. While I was updating the overall look of the guest…