We still have a few weeks left before school starts, but I’m already thinking up some simple lunch ideas for Tristan to take to school. One of his favorite meals is making wraps so I thought it would be the perfect time to teach him how to use the panini maker to make a chicken…
Small Decor Changes That Can Transform A Room
After being homeowners for 4 + years, I’m finally starting to decorate the house to my liking. It’s been a fun process for far. I’m taking it one room at a time. After browsing Pinterest for hours, I got inspired to do a few small decor changes in one of the empty room upstairs. I only…
Tips On How To Travel Alone For The First Time
Thank you Expedia for sponsoring this post. Book your travel on Expedia.ca to save with the Add-On Advantage! In just a few days I’m going to New York City. Alone! The last time I took a trip alone was in 2014 when I visited St-Louis for a work-related convention. It was a great trip, but…
Moving Day Jitters: Feeling Centered That First Night
Did you know that a study in the UK concluded that moving to a new home can actually be more stressful than going through a divorce? Either British people have especially low-key divorces, or moving is more stressful than we expect. And if you’re feeling the pains of moving day, you are far from alone….
Grateful Sunday: Heart-Shaped Tomato And More Garden Update!
Happy Sunday loves! Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve had some pretty interesting weather. If you recall, we experience a heat wave that was so insane that it had me wishing for snow! Our grass turned into hay, and some of our vegetables didn’t make it. Despite it all, we were able to harvest quite…
Family Travel | Tips for Traveling With Kids This Summer
The last time that I traveled out of the country with my son, he was 3. We’ve taken a few family vacations since that time but not by plane. One of the perks of being a digital content creator is that I often get opportunities to travel. This year we are planning some fun adventures,…