If you have been blogging for a while and have discovered how you can monetize your site, you might already be thinking about growing your venture. There are more tasks than you can fit in your day, and you need to scale your business. Instead of investing a huge amount of money in creating an…
The Perfect Autumnal Vegan Meal from Appetizer To Dessert
Autumn is quickly approaching and with it the season of football, falling leaves, and the warm, belly-filling cooking that you dream of all year round. With the number of vegans in the United States growing by 600% over the last three years, the amount of health-conscious, vegan recipes can cover your first fall meal from…
Delicious Back-To-School Chocolate Cupcakes
From trying to get back to our nightly/morning routines to all the back to school shopping! It is safe to say that back to school season is pretty hectic! For a lot of my Canadian readers, we are on our first week of back to school! What better way to celebrate a successful week back than…
How to Readjust After Taking a Relaxing Vacation
At one point or another (or perhaps once a week), we’ve all muttered to ourselves, “I could use a vacation.” Even employers are starting to realize that happy workers are productive workers and that vacation time is a real priority. Since 57% of organizations view employee retention as a problem, paid vacation days — and…
Grateful Sunday: Starting A New School Year
Happy Sunday loves! The new school year started for us which means things should be going back to “normal” soon. To kick off, I’m sharing some back to school pictures of my little guy! He’s super excited about starting the 5th grade. I, on the other hand, am glad that I’ll only have to deal…
Staying Sane When Planning Your Mad Hatter’s Baby Shower
Let’s be honest; Alice in Wonderland parties have been pretty big business since time began. Everyone loves the story of the little girl who got swept away to a magical world. This is just one of those stories which make an appearance everywhere in some way or another. And, we love to host parties which…