A few months ago I saw a recipe on Facebook that I just HAD to try for myself. The recipe didn’t require too many ingredients and appeared to be very simple! So I made my way to the grocery store, picked up what I needed and went back home to make these tasty AND cheesy…
Grateful Sunday: Easy Like Sunday Morning
This morning I woke up with the lyrics of Lionel Richie “Easy” stuck in my head. It’s been a while since I heard that song. In my high school days, I would play his cd on continues loop. I never got tired of it either. Clocks fall back this Sunday morning so we go an extra…
Tasty Korean Ground Beef And Rice Bowl Recipe
Unless you are a close friend or family, you might not even know that I love the South Korean culture (a LOT). I’ll have to write a post about that soon! But today, I wanted to share this super quick and tasty recipe with you guys. If you’ve tried Korean food before, this will be…
What Is It That You Do? Blogging Questions I Get All The Time
In 2013 I got this wild idea to start a blog. Primarily, I wanted a space where I can talk about Scentsy and my cute kid without feeling like I was bugging my friends and family on Facebook. I had NO idea that what started as a hobby would later become my full-time job. I…
Trick-or-treat | Mandatory Halloween Post
Happy Day After Halloween to you all! This year is the official first year that Jazzy went trick or treat. The first two years she merely sat in her stroller while big brother got all the candies. This year, however, she got to knock on the doors, carry her little pumpkin basket and enjoy a…
How to Avoid the Biggest Post-Halloween Scare: Cavities
Halloween is supposed to be equal parts fun and frightening, but you might have to deal with some tricks if you eat too many treats this October. Fail to guard your fangs and you could end up in the dentist’s chair come November — and that’s a scary thought for just about anyone. But there…