Hi loves, how’s your Christmas shopping going so far? Last year I had the honour of working with the Canadian Wildlife Federation. I received so many lovely comments on that post. This year I’ve partnered with them again to talk about their Adopt-an-Animal program and their cool WILD and Faunetastique magazines. Keep reading to learn…
Achieving Your Career Goals: Tips For Ambitious Moms
There comes a time when many moms want to go back to work or pursue a new direction. If you’re looking forward to getting back to your old job, or you’re thinking about trying something different, here are some tips to help you achieve your career goals. Achieving Your Career Goals: Tips For Ambitious Moms…
Cold and Flu Season Tips to Keep Your Kids Healthy
I will be honest with you, I don’t like winter. There, I said it. Not only does the cold weather gives me the blues and makes me want to eat all the food, but it’s also the time of the year where everyone in the house gets sick. Like clockwork! It always starts with my…
3 Festive Gifts Your Favorite Fitness Guru Will Be Sure to Love
There are those of us who would rather do just about anything than work out. While only 43% of six- to 11-year-olds in the U.S. get their recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise, an even smaller percentage of American adults meet the federal fitness guidelines. But on the other end of the spectrum, you probably…
A Shift In Childhood Sports: Kids And Their Parents Prefer Martial Arts
It’s no secret that soccer (or football) seems to be the world’s most popular sport: over three million people attended the various FIFA World Cup games in 2018, and around 25 million kids across the globe play the sport every year. The fact that it only requires a ball to play makes it universally accepted,…
Tamale Recipes For Dinner And Dessert This Holiday Season
While your grandma’s tried and true casserole recipe is delicious, it can get a bit stale year after year. Mix up your holiday recipes this year by looking for inspirations from our neighbor to the south. In the United States, one out of 10 restaurants sells Mexican food, making it the most popular kind of…