I hope you lovelies are having a wonderful summer so far! We’ve been getting some pretty awesome weather up here. Last week I took my Little Man out for a walk. More like an adventure! We had a plan! Ice cream and the library! In no particular order. We planned on exploring the neighborhood. Figured…
Chalkboard Baby Month Stickers Review
Hello lovelies, today’s review is on these adorable chalkboard baby month stickers. I received these adorable chalkboard stickers from ICustomLabel. Custom labels are the rave these days. I’ve so many parents posting their baby pictures with monthly stickers either on the baby or next to the baby. I just love seeing those pictures. I was really happy…
IntelliGLASS Hardened Glass Screen Protector
I love my iPhone. The problem is, so does my son. My six years old, hands on the ground, forget why a fork was invented, son. Which means my iPhone can get pretty… sticky. Since getting my phone two years ago, I’ve gone through maybe seven screen protectors. You guys know the one I’m talking…
Adjustable Laptop Stand Review
For the past few weeks, I have been home in bed. Just me and my laptop! I figured with all that time on my hands I would have written posts after posts. But sadly that wasn’t the case. It’s the last day of the month so I wanted to take a few minutes and write…
The COVERPLUG – Review And Giveaway
Today’s review is on the The Coverplug. Little Man was never one to stick his fingers in electrical sockets. Mostly because all the electrical outlets were well hidden behind a piece of furniture. When it came to baby proofing our home, we did the out of sight out mind trick. If he can’t see…
Buying Glasses Online. Like A Boss!
I’m happy to report that I have successfully placed my very first glasses order online! *insert cheering and clapping sounds* I know, I know! Very awesome indeed! 😉 Who knew buying glasses online would be so easy? Now I have, to be honest, I was a little bit worried about ordering glasses online for the first time….