Happy New Year my loves!  For my Haitian folks reading this, I want to wish you all a Happy Independence day! Independence for us Haitian also means, the long awaited for Soup Joumou recipe! Just one of the many perks of being Haitian! 😉 Delicious Soup Joumou Recipe I wrote a post a couple of…
My 2015 Failed Goals
Last year (January 2015 to be precise) I wrote a blog post on what I wanted to get done in 2015. I can tell you right now that I didn’t get any of it done. Thought it would be interesting to go over my failed goals. Â To “reflect” maybe? See where it all went wrong?…
Instagram Hack : How To Get Your Best Nine Pictures.
Hello, everyone! 2015 is almost done. Whew! Â It went by so fast! I’m excited for the upcoming years, aren’t you? I know a lot of you are on Instagram and may have seen a few people posting their “Best Nine” with the #2015bestnine and wondered “How can I get mine!!?” Well today I’m going to…
Long Hair Don’t Care. Irresistible Me Hair Extensions Review
Hello everyone, today I’m doing a Irresistible Me hair extensions review. I’ve always wanted long hair. I remember when I was little, I would put a towel on my head and pretend to have long beautiful hair. I REALLY think I was supposed to have long hair. Sadly, the hair gods had other plans. Whoever came up with the idea…
Paint For Christmas. New Office Makeover!
Paint For Christmas= Best gift EVER! Hello my lovelies, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas filled with love and laughter! I know I did and for that, I’m forever thankful. Today’s post is about one of the gifts that I received for Christmas. Yes, you read that right, I received paint for Christmas! Now…
Lady Marielle’s Christmas Haul
I don’t know about you guys but Christmas this year was pretty awesome! Great food, family and yes, PRESENTS! I’m completed overwhelmed by how awesome my family is! I received some great gifts this year. Actually, I always get awesome gifts (I’m spoiled!). I thought it would be fun to do a Christmas haul for you…