Hello my lovelies, today I’m doing a review on the ISA Professional flat iron. Before I start let me just say that I dislike doing my hair. Call me lazy, but I’d rather have braids or twist in my hair. It’s low maintenance, and I honestly can’t be bothered spending time daily on my hair. Doing…
Revive H2O Filtered Water Bottle Review
Hello my lovelies, today’s post will be a Revive H2O Filtered Water Bottle review. This is not sponsored post. I received this item free for review purpose. One thing we all take for granted is water. I remember living in Florida a few years back and you could not drink directly from the tap because…
Amazingly Beautiful Review And Giveaway
Today I’m doing an Amazingly Beautiful review and giveaway. Some of you might already know that I recently gave birth to a baby girl. Let’s just say that I’m glad that is over! Pregnancy did NOT agree with me…AT ALL. I had extreme nausea, lost a lot of weight, had to shoot myself daily with…
Easy Pumpkin Seed Recipe
Happy November my lovelies! I’m so excited to share this quick and simple pumpkin seed recipe with you all. This year we got to celebrate Halloween in a new home with new neighbors. We got to carve a HUGE pumpkin and pass out candies. The Little Man had a great time playing dress up and collecting a…
Welcome Home Little Lady
I wanted to take a moment and welcome home our little girl. I’m so happy to finally be able to introduce you guys. We’ve been blessed with our rainbow baby! She came into this world on September 29th weighing 6.9 lbs. The Little Man is so excited to be a big brother. He has some much love for…
Vegan Pure Review And Recipe
Today I’m sharing a Vegan Pure review and recipe. I got the recipe directly on the Vegan Pure Facebook page and thought it would be a great idea to share it with you guys! We all want to be healthy. But the reality is, we don’t always know how to go about it. I don’t know…