I used to think that having one child automatically made me an expert in the baby department. My daughter forced me to throw away that notion the moment she came into this world. Things I didn’t worry about with my son, suddenly kept me awake at night. Everything from the food I gave her to…
Fun Indoor Activities For Toddlers – Freshly Picked Review
We’re a week into Spring, but from all the snow we’ve had in the last few weeks, you’d think it’s winter all over again. She’s at that age where she needs attention, or she loses her mind (cranky, clingy, you know, #toddler). She keeps me on my toes and forces me to be more creative…
Grateful Sunday: 5 Things I’m Loving Right Now
Hello loves, Happy Sunday to you. My Sunday post is a bit late. I usually don’t work on the weekends, but I picked up a few hours to pay for my iPhone screen and to get a new case. I hate unexpected expenses, but I’m thankful that I have a job to help pay for them….
Work At Home Moms: 5 Storage Ideas To Help Clear The Clutter
The other day I took a look into my now abandoned office room and could not get over the amount of stuff I have. I’ve been avoiding the room entirely for the last two months. Instead, I keep the door closed and use the kitchen table during the day. At night I use the guest…
Hospital Bag Essentials For Baby + Lulu Love Baby Swaddle Blankets Giveaway
One question that I get asked often is “What do you pack in your hospital bag?” I think my mommy friends assume that because I gave birth to two kids, then I must have my s**t together. They are wrong. In fact, I didn’t pack anything for my son except for a change of clothes. I…
Grateful Sunday: Sugar Shack With the Lords (Cabane à sucre Lalande)
I’ve only visited a couple of sugar shacks since moving back to Quebec in 2005, and I have to say, Cabane à Sucre Lalande is the best. Today I’m sharing our family’s fun adventure at the sugar shack. Cabane à sucre Lalande We hadn’t been sugar shackin’ in such a long time. But this year I really wanted…