September came and went! And not to freak anyone out… but there’s about 82 days till Christmas!!!
September was a pretty awesome month for me. It was also a little stressful! I finally got a “routine” down for school days. I’ve been looking for ways to manage my time better. Unfortunately, blogging has been taking the short end of it all. Hoping I can get back to blogging more often. Those in the blogging world know that it’s not just about blogging…there so much MORE to it. A lot of it can be very time consuming! I miss being at home but till I can shrink my monster down, I have to do what I need to do.
I decided that I would give September’s monster wings. Why? Because that’s how I felt after entering my numbers on NetwortIQ
And here’s my winged monster for the month of September! According to the Little Man, the monster is a “bat with colorful wings “….
In the midst of all the excitement during the month of September, I miss my 1-year blogiversary….WHO DOES THAT??! (I do….)
For those that have been following me since the start, Thank you! I truly appreciate every single one of you that takes the time to read my ramblings 😉
Looking forward to see what October has in store for me! Be sure to come back next month to read all about my newest monster.
It sure is coming along for you. Happy Blogiversary. Great job!
I love organized finance charts tracking assets and debt. <3 Is that weird?? It's cool to see how people track and improve their finances. Still hoping you manage to break free of the debt!
Ronnie recently posted…5 Free Study Tools and Tricks for Every Student
I love charts like this, too, and wish I was organized enough to make one myself!
Lois Alter Mark recently posted…my visit to the movie set of “the best of me” – part 2
Happy Blog Anniversary – I never do but I know a lot of people who does, haha! Goodluck to more happenings in your blog!
I love Little Man’s picture. Happy Blogiversary and keep going — you will get out of that debt!
Lois Alter Mark recently posted…my visit to the movie set of “the best of me” – part 1
Congrats on your bloggervesary! Time flies by when you are having fun.
Amber NElson recently posted…Celebrity Mom and Rock Star Wife, Jaclyn Stapp, Launches New Children’s Foundation CHARM
Happy Blogiversary and what a cute picture by little guy. You’re doing great keep working on your goal of being debt free.
becca recently posted…Saturday Roundup 10-4-14
Sometimes you need to take a bloggy brake so that you can take care of more important things. This will be happening for me soon as my hubby will be traveling for work every week. Ugh!
Heather recently posted…Oatmeal Cookie Crusted Apple Crumb Pie – OATrageous Oatmeals
It’s good that you’re contributing to retirement! I need to add a plan to my coverage.
krystal recently posted…Frozen Peanut Butter Squares
Don’t feel to bad about missing your one year mark. I can’t even remember when I started to blog.
Melissa Vera recently posted…Weighing In
I think the bat with colored wings is definitely cute. He did a good job on it.
LifeAsAConvert recently posted…Things I Love about Nigeria
Happy belated blogaversary. My 5 year is coming up next week!!!! Oh and 82 days till Christmas? I better get started.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted…Easy Halloween Treat: Brain Cupcakes
Happy Blogiversary!! And what a cute picture from your little man! Have a great day x
Viccy Howe recently posted…Our Day Trip to Castle Combe Race Track
Happy belated Blogiversary! I guess time flies when you are having fun, or… time fiies even when you are not having fun.
I personally can’t believe we are in October already…. Where did summer go? It was like I blinked my eyes and missed it.
Terry recently posted…Pumpkin Lovers Dream Protein Shake Using NuStevia Simple Syrup #Sugarfree
I love the wings on the monster! I actually missed my first and second anniversary – hopefully I will remember the third. Happy Blogaversary. Glad you are getting into a routine with the start of school – I keep trying but can not find my groove!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! Awesome!!! And YES, there is a LOT that goes into blogging. Sometimes we need a break so we can come back even stronger!
Kristen from The Road to Domestication recently posted…Advanced Water Exercise Workout Routines
Congrats on your blog anniversary! Mine is coming up in January and I am sure I will forget. Cute picture by the way.
Happy Blogaversary! Really looking forward to more of your blog posts!
Happy Anniversary! Thats awesome. You are really making progress towards your goals! So proud of you.
Alice Chase recently posted…Save 20% on Holiday Cards today! Buy Now Personalize Later.
How cute. You have one little monster artist.
Lady Lilith recently posted…Almost Back on Track
Happy belated blogiversary to you! I miss mine nearly every year!
Stefany recently posted…The day I became a superhero in the eyes of my daughters
Happy Anniversary of your blog! Christmas is coming so quickly, it’s scary!
Happy one year Blogaversary! I started visiting your blog about a month ago and enjoy the content. I love the Monster drawings too.
Erica Brooks recently posted…Top 9 Must-have Fruits and Vegetables In Your Kitchen
What a great drawing! I love it. That’s super adorable. Your little guy has some talent there.
paula schuck recently posted…Raise Your Voice Alberta Twitter Chat #abhc4ivf #abpoli
I’m glad September was so good to you. That’s a really cute little monster!! 🙂
The Chef’s Wife | Anne @TheSatEvePot recently posted…Did God create Ebola? #Faith #Ebola
Happy Blogiversary! You’ve come a long way in just 1 short year! And the bat drawing is super cute!
Theresa recently posted…NeoCell Keratin Hair Volumizer Improves Hair From The Inside Out
Busy is good, especially if it’s productive-busy. 🙂 Love the winged-monster.
Busy busy for sure! It seems to be going toward a wonderful cause and great year.
So pleased things are coming along nicely for you I love your little mans picture that is one cute monster! x
Sarah Bailey recently posted…LucyQ Art Deco Arrow Ring
Happy Blogiversary! I’m sure it was a great year. I never pay attention to my blog milestones — maybe I should.
I am very impressed with your drive and determination with conquering this monster. I know that all it takes is those baby steps to get to the big “payoff” Although I have to say that monster looks pretty cute. 🙂
Veronica recently posted…Design Crush: Destination Closets
It took me a long time to get adjusted too once school started. But now that soccer is over, I can hopefully get into a semi-organized routine. Semi because you pointed out how many days until Christmas! Ahhhhhh! LOL
The drawing is so cute! You’ll reach the end of your monster eventually!
Liz Mays recently posted…Join the #CrystalLightWM Twitter Party
The little monster bat is adorable and I like how happy it is and not in the least bit scary. Happy Bloganniversary to you. I know I too did not keep track of my anniversary, so it is okay.