Last year I wrote a post about my failed 2015 goals. I made a lot of excuses as to why I didn’t reach them. But I wasn’t 100% honest with myself. The truth is, I didn’t want IT hard enough. Therefore, I didn’t give it my all. Sure, being pregnant and sick is a HUGE deal, but I think that there were days I just didn’t care enough. Las year was a turning point for me as a blogger. I’m excited to share my blogging goals recap with you. As a way to thank my lovely readers for your incredible support, I’m also hosting a planner giveaway.
2016 Blogging Goals Recap
When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.
I started out my 2016 goals about two weeks into the month of January. I wanted to find goals I could work on throughout the year, and that wouldn’t be too overwhelming with a newborn (at the time). You can check out the goals I set for 2016 here: 2016 Blogging Goals for a refresher. Here’s my blogging goals recap!
- Grow my social stats. 2016 I focused mainly on three platforms. The one that proved to be the most challenging was indeed Facebook (as I predicted). But what do you know? I was able to reach my 5k goals. In fact, with some well placed Facebook boost, I reached 7K on my LadyMarielle Facebook Page! I made a video for “The Perks Of Having A Big Brother” blog post, and that got 18K+ views. It also brought in a LOT of new likes to my page. Check out my results:
January 2016 – December 2016
Facebook: 1,675 Goal 5K Final Number: 7,974 Twitter: 6,016 Goal 10K Final Number: 10,160 Instagram: 3,675 Goal 6K Final Number: 8,266
- Host 5 giveaway. This one was fun! I was able to review some cool products and most of the times; the brands offered a giveaway. I made a list of my top 5 favorite giveaways for 2016.
1. Piczzle Custom Photo Puzzles Giveaway
2. SelfieMic Giveaway
3. Farmacy Skin Dew Giveaway
4. Bunch-o-Balloons-giveaway
5. Fodeez Frames Colorable Dry Erase Boards Giveaway
- Post 100 blog post! ARGHH!! That one was soo close! I ended the year with 95 blog posts out of the 100 that I set out to do. I’m totally kicking myself on this one. I did a lot of vlogging in December. Does that count? 😉
- Network more! Networking was by far one of the best parts about blogging in 2016. I got to connect with some amazing bloggers. I feel that I need to dedicate a whole blog post to talk about the amazing new people in my blogging world.
- Share more Scentsy! I did share. You ever felt like you are at a party with a bunch of childless people and all you can talk about is your cute baby? Well, that’s how I felt when I shared my Scentsy posts on the blog. Like no one is interested. My last Scentsy post for 2016 was back in September. This is another subject that I feel needs a separate blog post.
- Monster Chronicle rematch! I let the monster win in 2016. Didn’t even put up a fight. Gave into all the temptations and I started using words like “hoarder” to justify my inability to get rid of things. I shopped online and never looked at my statements. I dropped the ball on that one. Ah, I have much to confess. Another blog post perhaps?
See how I kept the “not so good” for last? I guess 2016 I focused on my social channels, monetizing and networking more than anything else. Even though I didn’t accomplish all that I had set out to do for 2016, I’m happy with my results. 2017 is my year!
How did you do on your goals for 2016? Over the next few days, I’m going to be sharing my goals for 2017. Be sure to come back for that! Thank you so much for being supportive in my blogging journey. Hope you can get inspired to set some goals after reading my blogging goals recap.
Please join me in the new year by subscribing to my blog for updates.
Let’s connect!
I thought you did great having a newborn and all. However, this year I know you’re going to do even better. I backed off from blogging the last few months of the year and this year I plan on doing even less. I’m not focused on my social media or anything, I’m just going to take it one day at a time. Here’s to a successful 2017!
AnnMarie John recently posted…What’s New For Walt Disney World for 2017
It sounds like 2016 was good to you. Here’s to an even better 2017. Keep working it and it will work!
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Change Your Mattress, Change Your Life – Choosing a Sleep Number Bed
Your social growth is amazing! Kudos to you for finding that foothold! I’m still trudging with social media. Facebook seems so difficult to get anything seen.
Destany recently posted…Younique Mineral Touch Pressed Powder
I did okay with my 2016 goals. I had a lot of changes happen during the year. I am looking forward to what 2017 brings.
Wow! Props to you for acheiving so many of the goals! I think it is incredible how much you grew your following – in just a year! And 100 blog posts!? 95 deserves the credit… that’s a lot!
Way to be accountable to yourself! I admire your forthrightness. I hit some goals (improve photography), missed others (double traffic), but it was a good effort. 🙂
Some of my goal on 2016 were accomplish. I’m starting to make goal this month.
You made some great strides in 2016! It sounds like it was a really good year for you and you’ve reminded me to sit down and write out some blogging goals for myself as we move into 2017.
Tonya recently posted…Ponce City Market in Atlanta: the Largest Brick Structure in the Southeast
It sounds like you are doing great and really smashing your goals. I need to do more vlogging, I am really slacking in that area.
I think you still did a great job. That was really close to your goal. That’s so great! I think it’s great to set goals.
Vlogging counts as posts in my opinion. You did an amazing job growing your social media. I am working on that again this year too. Facebook is so HARD.
Up Run for Life recently posted…Enter to Win $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway Ends 1/31
I didn’t really set any goals for last year, but I was pretty satisfied with 2016, blogging wise! This year, I want to work on reviving old posts, SEO, and possibly renaming one of my blogs.
I love your goals! I need to define some myself. I could probably learn a lot about social media from you.
What an incredible year and congratulations on your social media growth. Vlogging is a lot of work so I say you get a pass on the “short of 5” blog pots.
Gwendolyn Mulholland recently posted…CC Beanie and Blanket Scarf Giveaway #2017Products – Ends 1/20
I think you did great having a newborn baby! Also I think vloggong totally counts! Good luck in 2017 with all your goals.
I think I actually need to sit down and go through something like this for my goal, honestly right now my biggest goal is to increase my stats and visitors but it seems so difficult. I’m not sure where I am going wrong.
Shaney Maharaj recently posted…7 must-have products from Ubbi in 2017!
Wow way to go! You really focused on your growth on the social media sites! I keep trying to do it but it doesn’t get so far after a bit, I think I lose more than gain lately.
I bet it is very hard to share your Scentsy when you have that adorable little girl to share with all of us. What a cutie she is.
Terry recently posted…Love Is In The Air ~ Plan A Romantic Road Trip For That Special Someone
It looks like you had a good year and I hope this year is even better. I didn’t really set any goals last year. This year my goal is to travel more.
Congratulations on your effort and here’s to a fantastic 2017! We all make plans and things change so, if we remember to celebrate what worked, then it’s all good. 🙂
These are great blog goals. My 2017 blogging goal is to make more income mainly, and to grow my Twitter to 20,000 (I’m at 10,654).
You totally rocked it in 2016!!!! What are you goals for 2017? Scensty can be hard to share but keep going, you never know when someone new comes to your site.
Audrey recently posted…You know it’s been a perfect day when…
Wow you reached a lot of good numbers in social media. Please share your tactics a little for each of them, would love to know. Specially on Instagram. Congrats!!
Ooo sounds like you had one awesome 2016 girl!!!! Hope your 2017 is just as kick butt!!
Congrats on exceeding your 2016 goals, The social media one is huge and find that FB is yes the most difficult and working on that challenge as we speak. All the best for 2017
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