Two weeks ago I received a package of Matcha Green Tea Powder in the mail. I’ve been so busy with everything that I didn’t get a chance to try it. This morning I woke up and felt like it was a good time to give it a try.
Matcha Green Tea Powder Review and Smoothie Recipe
I recently (2 months ago) went from having 3 spoons of sugar in my coffee to NO sugar at all. Yay me! I know it was the right decision to cut back on the sugar but since doing so, I find that I’m not interested in eating breakfast like before. I just can’t get in the mood for it. Strange huh!?
It was the same thing this morning too. I got up, looked around for something to eat, only to end up drinking a cup of coffee. Then I remember that I had bought some frozen blueberries the other day. Which gave me the idea to try one of the 50+ recipes that I received with my Matcha Green Tea Powder from Kiss Me Organics.
This recipe is super easy to make and really tasty!
Berry Good Morning Smoothie by Kiss Me Organics.
½ cup cold orange juice
1 tsp. matcha
2 tsp. warm water
1/3 cup chopped strawberries
1/3 cup blueberries
½ banana, sliced
Combine the green tea powder with the warm water. Add everything in the blender and mix till smooth! Then enjoy!
The Berry Good Morning Smoothie is by far one of the best. You can buy the green tea powder on Amazon and when you do, you also receive an eBook filled with over 50 recipes. I went over some of these recipes and they are really easy to follow. I will definitely be trying a few more of the recipes.
Purchase the Matcha Green Tea Powder on Amazon (Affiliate link)
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I love that you can mix it right into smoothies like that. It makes like so much easier when you can just mix the powder in with other things!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted…Let’s Talk About Bums #LetsTalkBums
The Berry Good Morning Smoothie sounds sooooo good. I do a lot of smoothies, especially in the summer and warm weather
Terry recently posted…Do You Choke On Your Own Slobbers? How About Choking On Water Or Food?
All the fruit and the matcha … really nutritious!
I should try this looks really nice and yummy.
Natasha Mairs recently posted…Looking for that perfect Easter Gift?
I am all about the green smoothies and I am definitely trying this.
Looks so good!!
Keep in Touch(ed).
That Smoothie recipe sounds amazing! I’m going to look for the Matcha Green Tea Powder and make one for myself. I love smoothies!
Emily recently posted…Fresh Take for your Easter Meal: Italian Parmesan Cod {and cute printables}
That looks so good! Green tea typically upsets my stomach, but maybe it wouldn’t in powder form originally? Hmmm…
Kristen from The Road to Domestication recently posted…The Versatile Blogger Award!
This looks super yummy! I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!!
Shari Yantes recently posted…Happiness is Within!
This sounds really yummy. Sounds perfect to have in the morning. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Ashley recently posted…The “Plague”
I love smoothies! I bet this is super good. I’m going to see if I can get some and try it!
I know next to nothing about matcha and have never tried it. The rest of the ingredients would make a tasty smoothie I think.
valmg @ From Val’s Kitchen recently posted…G Garvin Returns To Tour Country For Best Southern-Inspired Dishes In New Season Of Road Trip
Oh my this sounds yummy. i enjoy a good green tea and to be able to add it to other things. Definite thumbs up.
becca recently posted…Friday Confessional 4-11-14
I have not tried matcha powder yet. I have heard a lot about the benefits and there are plenty of great recipes using it!
Pam recently posted…How to Make Easter Candy Holders with Toilet Paper Rolls #LetsTalkBums, Shall We?
Oh this is tasty! I love the look of this smoothie , green tea powder is awesome too
Melanie recently posted…Slow Cooker Meatballs and Marinara Sauce
Smoothies are so easy and tasty and this sounds fantastic – thanks for sharing!
Laurel Bill recently posted…Russian settlement near Sitka attacked 1802
How cool that you can just mix it right in that must make a huge difference 🙂 x
Sarah Bailey recently posted…Adding Some Colour Whilst Renting
I love green tea so this is perfect. It has so many great health benefits – this will allow you to add it to anything and everything.
Wow, sounds great! Will have to give it a try!
From the look of it, I can use it on post workout snack! Thank you for the recipe!
Richard Harer recently posted…Security Risks on Spring Break Travel
That sounds super delicious. I love my morning smoothies and green juices
Veronica recently posted…Design Your Life With Kleenex Style Studio
I am not too big on eating breakfast, but I would definitely drink one of these for breakfast. I bet the blueberries give it a lot of flavor.
lawna recently posted…SweetWorks Spring Giveaway
Ooo nice review. Perhaps this will help me be more interested in eating breakfast! I have noticed the same issue since I cut sugar out of my coffee. Quite the change eh? Harder than i expected it to be at first but now easier than I would have imagined.
I love to make smoothies for breakfast. You made this product makes it sound so delicious, I can’t wait to get the package.
Neva @ Retire for the fun of it recently posted…Come Clean! Fresh As A Baby’s Bum?
I think I will try and go back to having smoothies for breakfast again 🙂
I have been reading about this and I really have been meaning to try it. I am not much of a tea drinker but would like the benefits from drinking it. This would be a great way to do so.
Pam recently posted…Time to Come Clean! ~ Behind the Bathroom Door Secrets
I really love tea! This smoothie recipe looks fantastic too!
Erica recently posted…Spring Flash Sale This Weekend Only on Select Craftsy Classes!
Yum! That looks like a great way to drink matcha tea. I never thought of putting it into a smoothie.
Marni | Love and Duck Fat recently posted…Easter Dessert Recipes for Spring
I’m always on the lookout for something fast, filling and healthy. Thanks for the post!
This looks like a good drink. Will have to try this.
Amber Nelson recently posted…Jon Bon Jovi, Selita Ebanks Help Raise Over $2 Million For Food Bank New York City
Thank you for sharing. Sounds like something I’d like to try.
I know that I should drink more green tea and this is a good way to do it.
With a name like Kiss Me Organics…how could it not be good and memorable!
Someone was just talking to me about matcha green tea the other day. Now I think I’ll give it a try!
Carissa recently posted…Giveaway!
I have been hearing lots of good things about this Matcha green tea– going to order some now.
Denise Gabbard recently posted…Thank You, Thank You Very Much!
I love the taste of hot green tea, so I’m sure I would love this smoothie. I cannot believe you got off sugar! I use way too much and am desperate to cut back, but I like my coffee gritty with sugar at the bottom. I love the idea of having a green tea powder to add into the smoothies I already make. I wonder if this would be good in vanilla ice cream, which would still give me the sweetness I crave and some green tea.
I’m not a big fan of tea, but my husband is. I’m sure he’d love to try this!
Amanda Her recently posted…Fitness Friday: Workin’ It {Week 6}
nice blog .. hehe .. .. nice recipe ..