I’ve always had sensitive skin, but it wasn’t until after I gave birth to my first child that I started to get eczema flare-ups. I actually didn’t even know what it was at first. Since it was only happening sporadically and only around my neck, I assumed that it had something to do with the jewelry I…
Veggie-Loaded Meatloaf Recipe – How I Get My Kids To Eat More Veggies
My children won’t eat most vegetables. Tristan recently started to try mushrooms and tolerates zucchinis. Jazzy? Don’t even get me started with that girl. What’s a parent to do? Trick them into eating it of course! One way to do that is to hide vegetables in their food. A couple of weeks ago I made…
Cupcakes and Popcorn! Halloween Shenanigans With The Family
Happy Halloween! Also happy last day of the month of October! Who’s excited for November? While we’re waiting for Papa to get home from work, the kids and I have been busy baking and stuffing our faces with popcorn! Yesterday I shared what I have planned for today: popcorn + movie and lots and lots of…
Join The Challenge! NaBloPoMo Blog Post Ideas
Hi loves! In just a few days we will be in November. I’m both excited and a bit anxious. Last year I did my first NaBloPoMo challenge, and it was a HUGE eye opener for me as a blogger. All thanks for that challenge, I started doing my “Grateful Sunday” weekly posts. My goal is to do…
Grateful Sunday: Last Sunday Of the Month + Toddler Fall Fashion!!
Just like that, October is almost over. I got a lot done this month so I’m happy. Today I’m sharing a few things we did over the weekend along with some toddler Fall fashion items! Last Sunday Of the Month!! My son had a fun playdate with a couple of his classmates on Saturday. I had…
Celebrating Milestones: Transitioning From Infant To A Convertible Car Seat
Last month my Jazzy turned 2. I’ve been joking that she had been acting like a twonager way before that. So far it has been…interesting? This stage in a child’s life doesn’t last forever, so I’m happy to celebrate it while it lasts. Being officially two also means she’s outgrown her infant car seat. As…