With the colder season here, we’ve been spending a lot of times indoor. You can just imagine how that’s going for someone like Jazzy that could pretty much live outside if she had the choice. While I have no qualms with screen time in our house, I like to opp for apps that are both…
3 Sure Fire Ways To Strike The Perfect Work-Life Balance
If you are feeling stuck in a rut in your full-time job, working well over forty hours a week, for an overbearing and unreasonable boss, you’d be forgiven for wanting to seek an alternative form of employment. Working for somebody else can be taxing especially as you grow older and wiser. You may feel like…
Easy Toddler Chores | LG QuadWash Steam Dishwasher Review
Jazzy has always been my sweet little helper. Last year she turned 3, and her love for helping her mama hasn’t changed one bit. I’m pretty sure she thinks that chores are all fun and games. I’m not going to tell her otherwise lol. Today I’m sharing some easy toddler chores that your little helper…
Cut Your Cleaning Routine In Half With These Tips
Raise your hands if you enjoy cleaning. I personally don’t. As a work from home and stay at home mom, my to-do list is always a mile long. When I do have some free time, I’d rather spend it doing something other than cleaning. I like to think that I have my cleaning routine down…
Happy New Year! A Look Back And My 2019 Goals
Happy New Year my dear friends. 2018 has come and gone, and I’m excited for 2019. 2018 was a year of many “firsts” for me. Not just as a blogger but also as a mom. Today I’m sharing my annual blog recap along with my goals for 2019. A Look Back And My 2019 Goals…
3 Mental Health Goals We All Should Try to Achieve
In the U.S., the two most common types of resolutions are related to weight loss and saving money, and though some people stick to their goals, many others fall off the wagon before January ends. Though weight management and fiscal responsibility are worthy goals, other resolutions are just as important. Specifically, setting a goal to…