Today my dear sister sent me on a mission! Ok it was a grocery run, but by the time I was done, I felt like I’d accomplished some sort of mission… My morning started off with 5 texts messages from my sister (back to back) of a list of items we will need to make…
Christmas 2013 Recap
This year was by far one of the best Christmas I had in a very long time. I got to spend it with family and friends over some delicious food! Loved all my gifts and the best thing is after buying gifts for everyone on my list, I didn’t have a negative balance in my bank account (yahoo). I’m…
That Thankful Feeling
I have spent the last two weeks getting mentally prepared for Christmas and the last three days doing the actual prepping. Let’s just say getting “mentally prepared” for something doesn’t mean a damn thing. I should know, I have about 3 basket of clean laundry waiting to be folded (as if mentally thinking that they are…
BonHommes: Love, Smiling and Compassion
Interview with the creator of BonHommes: Love, Smiling and Compassion I was introduced to Carole last week. We share a mutual friend, and after looking at her Facebook page, I just fell in love with her work. After watching her interview on the Global News, I knew that I just HAD to get my hands…
The Heir
“It has been said time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind protecting its sanity covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it’s never gone.” – Rose Kennedy The Heir Below is a painting done by my good friend Jason. It is called “The Heir”….
December 2013: Let it Snow
The long awaited December warmer and the scent of the month are finally here! December’s scent of the month is Spiced Berries “Frankincense and myrrh waft beneath decadent berries to create a timeless scent.” If I had to describe this scent in one word, it would be “Christmas-say”. When I warmed it up, I could…