Late last night my Facebook news feed went totally CRAZY with dozen of videos tilted, “A Look Back”. Of course I wanted to have a look at what all the fuss was about. Turns out Facebook is celebrating its 10th years anniversary. They went all out and gave all their users a little video looking back on their life…
Confession of a window shopper: I’m not alone!
You know that moment when you think you are the ONLY person that does something weird, but then come to found out a lot of people do the same thing? Pretty awesome feeling right?! The other day I was talking to my ever, so savvy friend and he mention shopping around for his “next phone.”…
Bed time stories: The Secret to Happiness
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. You know you’ve failed as a parent when you ask your child to come listen to you read a story and he replies “Just a minute, I want to finish my video.” I waited a bit, giving this whole “mindful parenting” a try (wanting so…
The Best Meatloaf Recipe Ever!
For the past few months, I have been craving meatloaf. I know, how random! The last time I made meatloaf was close to 2 years ago, if not more (that’s when my stove died…don’t ask, long story). Best Meatloaf Recipe After spending a few minutes (hours) on Pinterest, I deceived to wing it. For…
How to Remove Wax from Carpet
In this post, I will give you some tips on how to remove wax from carpet. I’ve never considered myself to be a “klutz” but I find that if I’m trying my best not to fall or spill something, I end up doing exactly that. How weird is that? To give you an example, I make…
January: Forever Yours
January’s warmer “I heart you” As I’m writing this post, I have about 15 open tabs on my laptop. My SO would have a fit. There’s just not enough hours in the day to get everything done. Today I was placing an online order for my BBMB sampler (only available for the month of January) and it dawn on…