Ok, I lied. This isn’t a confession. BUT it is about a scrapbooker. I’ve been meaning to do an interview on Charyssa since the day I met her! Seriously guys, it is rare that I meet someone and instantly like them. But that’s how it was when I first met her. She’s easy to talk…
Groovy Lab In A Box Review + Giveaway
Groovy Lab in a Box Review I was so excited to learn that I was going to be reviewing a Groovy Lab In a Box. I told the little man the good news and sort of wish I hadn’t. Why? Because once he gets an idea in his mind, he doesn’t let up (he gets…
The Summer Of Monsters
July Oh July! Where hast thou gone, July? Even after entering my numbers in my NetworthIQ, I can’t stop smiling. Funny too because July started out SO bad! Which is why I’m calling this post The Summer of Monsters! July 1st started off with me losing my OPUS card. Yes! 79.99$ Gone in one shot. I…
The Great Love Debate: Why Are We Still Single?
Today I’m doing an interview with Frank Kermit. I met Frank last summer around the time when I first started doing events for my Scentsy business. We both had fedora hat on our heads. 🙂 After talking a little, we exchanged info. Last year I was looking to seriously start blogging but had a lot…
Mia Mariu’s Create Your Perfect Canvas Review + Giveaway
Who doesn’t like getting all dolled up every once in a while? Mia Mariu’s Create Your Perfect Canvas is just what you need. Ever spent countless of hours on YouTube watching those makeup tutorial thinking “dang, that’s a lot of freaking work”? Well, you are not alone. Makeup is not something that I put on…
July Scent Of The Month: Vanilla Bean Buttercream!
July Scent of the month! I’m really excited about the July Scent of the month! This one will be a must for those into sweet scents. Once a month I share the scent and warmer of the month with you. This month’s post will only be featuring the scent of the month. Vanilla Bean Buttercream:…