First, I want to take a moment and wish my Canadian readers a Happy Thanksgiving! We wanted to be different from our American neighbors so we celebrate Thanksgiving on the second Monday of October! This Scent and warmer post is both a review and a diy. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think….
Once Upon a September; Monsters With Wings.
September came and went! And not to freak anyone out… but there’s about 82 days till Christmas!!! September was a pretty awesome month for me. It was also a little stressful! I finally got a “routine” down for school days. I’ve been looking for ways to manage my time better. Unfortunately, blogging has been taking the…
Chasing Fireflies
The warmer of the month for August is called “Chasing Fireflies.” I debated whether or not I should even post it this month. But I just HAD to share this one! One of the advantages of being a Scentsy consultant is that, we get to find out what the scent and warmer of the…
Provacare Review and Giveaway
This post is mainly for the ladies but if you are male and reading this, feel free to share it with your lady friends 😉 Today I’m doing a Provacare Review and Giveaway! What is Provacare you might ask? Provacare is brand that helps treat and prevent yeast infections. If you’re a woman and has…
Abigail and the Jungle Adventure
Today I want to share another eBook by Tali Carmi. This story is about Abigail and the Jungle Adventure. Usually I will read the books first before reading them to the little man. That way, I can practice and decide if I’m going to read the story in a different voice (yes, I know…I’m weird that way)….
Slug Monster
I decided to call August’s monster the Slug Monster!! If you are new here, please head on over to my Monster Chronicles page and meet the monsters! August was a busy month for me and an expensive one too. It was back to school just a week ago! The Little man decided he was going to…