I don’t know about you guys but Christmas this year was pretty awesome! Great food, family and yes, PRESENTS! I’m completed overwhelmed by how awesome my family is! I received some great gifts this year. Actually, I always get awesome gifts (I’m spoiled!). I thought it would be fun to do a Christmas haul for you…
Pinterest Fail: DIY Baby Christmas Ornaments
Hello, my lovelies! Today I wanted to share a Pinterest fail. We finally got our tree up a and I wanted to do a few baby Christmas ornaments. It’s been a while since I did any kind of crafting so I thought it would be fun to do one with the kids (kids…plural..I’m still trying to…
Buttons Cloth Diapers Review With The Little Lady
Hello my lovelies, today I’m doing a Button cloth diapers review with the Little Lady. She was kind enough to be my model in exchange of some breast milk (I think she got the better end of the deal). Buttons were sweet enough to send me one of their All-in-Two cloth diapers so that I…
Handmade Christmas Cards
The holidays are quickly approaching! Which means time to send out cards to your close friends and family. I started doing this about 2 years ago when I got a card from a blogger friend and one from my dear friend and mentor. So now I try to have my cards ready to mail out…
7 Things About Me
I thought long and hard about 7 things about me that you lovelies don’t already know. It was hard because I tend to over share a lot (like how I don’t shave my legs during the winter #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat). So here goes nothing… 1. I have underlying princess syndrome (I KNOW I was a princess in…
Gift Ideas For Boys
My son is a bit peculiar when it comes to his toys. I remember buying him his first toy car when he was just about 18 months old. He would play for hours just lining them up. Now that he is 7 (going on 40) and no longer into cars (insert sad face here), his gift…