There should be a rule that says, when it rains, you HAVE to stay home and sleep. That rule probably wouldn’t sit well with the kids. Take my son for example; he’s not the most outdoorsy kid, but when it rains, you would think the world was coming to an end! Since sleeping is pretty much…
5 Reasons You Should Avoid The Lego Imagine Nation Tour
I had a hard time finding the words for this post. Mostly because I’m still so annoyed about the whole thing, but I’m not the type to make a big scene in public (i.e. online). Still, here I am, wanting to get this off my chest. What better way to do that than to share…
Cooking With Kids: Easy Homemade Sushi Roll Recipe #QualifirstFoods
My son’s favorite thing in the world (after Halo), is sushi. He could eat it all day if he had his way. But sushi is not cheap! He’s always asking me to make it from scratch, but I just assumed it would be too complicated. Turns out making sushi yourself isn’t that complicated at all. So excited…
5 Things You Probably Didn’t Know You Could Buy On Groupon
How do you guys kill time? Not that I have a lot of it, but sometimes, when my daughter isn’t glued to my chest, and I don’t have a mountain of dirty clothes that needs washing, I enjoy some online window shopping. One of the sites that I like going to is The other…
Still Frame Scentsy Warmer Unboxing + August Specials
Calling out all photographs lovers! Do I have a surprise for you! Ok, I don’t talk that way in real life, BUT if I did, that’s what I would say!! We are already in August. Which means, brand new warmer and of course, August specials with Scentsy. I like to keep my Scentsy post fun…
5 Reasons You Failed At Sleep Training Your Baby + JOHNSON’S® Tonight We Sleep™ Challenge
Up until a couple of weeks ago, whenever I would hear someone talking about “Sleep Training” their baby/child I would cringe. The whole thing sounded barbaric to me. I knew little about the process other than the fact that it involved letting my sweet baby cry. You’ve seen her; she’s adorable. How could I let…