As a stay-at-home mom of two, the highlight of the day is nap time. A quick snooze and I’m ready to tackle momlife. Naps are less frequent as my daughter nears the twonager phase (she will be 2 in September). Since I haven’t figured out a way to funnel her endless energy supply, I found some…
Grateful Sunday: Finally Enjoying The Warm Weather!
Rain, rain, go away! Hello loves, sweet of you to come back again for another Grateful Sunday. Can you believe the amount of rain we got this year? Insane! I was thisclose to packing my bags and moving to a tropical island when bam, the sun came out! I guess I will stay here for now…
Easy Rum Cocktails For When You Just Need A Drink!
Full disclosure, I’m not a heavy drinker. In fact, the last time I had anything stronger than a wine cooler I ended up with a massive headache and the strong urge for a long nap. Nonetheless, there are days when I just NEED a drink (usually after watching Tipsy Bartender on YouTube). Other than a few wine…
3 Tips To Getting Your Toddler Excited About Dental Hygiene
Let’s be real; there is nothing exciting about dental hygiene. For a toddler, if it doesn’t involve dirt and throwing things around; it’s not worth their time. So, how do you get a toddler excited about something that is necessary for them? You make it fun. I just happen to have three tips that work…
3 Must-Have Furniture Pieces Every Home Should Have
When I was a kid, I always dreamt of buying a big house with a dozen kids running around. Fast forward to today, I have a big house, and my heart is full with my two minions. I feel like I’ve accomplished my childhood dream. Not only that, I’m providing my kids with family traditions that will…
Grateful Sunday: Mentally Preparing For Summer With Two Kids
Hello Loves! Welcome back to another Grateful Sunday. June 21 is the last day of school for my son. I’m excited and anxious at the same time. I know I’m not alone. For today’s post, I’m sharing a few ways that I’m mentally preparing for summer with my two minions. Mentally Preparing For Summer With…