Today I’m doing an interview with Frank Kermit. I met Frank last summer around the time when I first started doing events for my Scentsy business. We both had fedora hat on our heads. 🙂 After talking a little, we exchanged info. Last year I was looking to seriously start blogging but had a lot of doubts and fears. Frank was able to help me overcome those fears. Best advice he ever game me? “Just write!”
Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do.
My name is Frank Kermit, and I am a Relationship and Dating Coach. I work
with singles and couples to teach them basic social skills and teach them
about emotional needs for all kinds of different structures for loving
1. What are some tips you would give when it comes to dating?
Basically, know yourself, know what you want out of life, and figure out
who can help you build that future.
If you have too much choice, but have no life management skills to
administer your abundance of choices, you will end up miserable.
2. Some people might not be comfortable with the idea of online dating.
What are some ways to meet people?
There are SO many ways to meet people.
Dating through your circle of friends, letting people set you up on blind
dates, using match making agencies, speed dating, newspaper personals,
seeking people with common interests through social associations and meet
ups, going to bars and clubs, finding an enlightened partner through your
place of worship, taking a class at school, or a seminar workshop, saying
hello to people you see at grocery stores and coffee shops, book stores and
libraries, all retail stores and shopping malls, concerts, gyms, dance
halls, exhibits, museums, and street events, tourist attractions, landmarks
and generally, as long as you are willing to be the first person to say
hello, basically, everywhere and anywhere people go.
And to top it all off, going to a singles event like The Great Love Debate
on August 4th, where there will be an after party for you to meet up to 150
available men and women and their friends.
3. Do you believe there is such a thing as “choosing to be single”?
Yes. There are some people that are happily single. This includes people
who date casually and are imitate and never want to get serious, and others
who never date at all and prefer to be alone. There are all sorts of
reasons from just finding dating too complicated, to hating the opposite
gender, to just preferring life alone. I am actually a great supporter of
this, despite my profession as a relationship and dating coach. Bottom
line is, some people are best not to be in relationships. And if someone
knows himself or herself enough to stay out, and they are happy with that
decision and do not complain about it, then that is the best decision for
them to make.
4. What advice would you give to someone that is looking to start dating after being single for a long time?
Keep an open mind to break those old repeating behavior patterns that keep
them single, and to go out and date as many new people as possible.
Give everybody one date to sweep you off your feet.
Do not assume you are too good for anyone.
Do not assume you are not good enough for anyone.
Do not get distracted by the illusion of finding a perfect partner and
perfect relationship. It does not exist. Forget the fantasy and focus on
finding and relating to a real person.
Have boundaries about what you want out of life and how you are to be
treated to make sure that you do not waste time with the wrong person for
too long.
5. Can you tell us what the upcoming event is going to be all about?
I will be a panelist at the International Great Love Debate 2014 Tour when
it comes to Montreal on August 4th. The theme that will be debated and
discussed is Why Are We Still Single? It will take place at Studio A at
Centre Phi, 407, rue Saint-Pierre, Montreal, Qc, Canada, H2Y 2M3
Time: 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm (Doors open at 6:30 for cocktails). The Cost is
40$ plus fees (Includes admission to post-show “Meet, Greet, Mix, Mingle, &
Match” party!)
Use The Promo code: It is “FRANK“, and whoever uses it will
get $10 off the ticket price. Capacity: 75 spots for available men only, 75
spots for available women only, reserve your spot now.
Connect with Frank on his blog and on Facebook
Telephone: 514- 680-3278
email: [email protected]
International Great Love Debate 2014 Tour
I’m married with kids but that still doesn’t stop me from giving good advice. I totally agree with boundaries tip. That goes for everything in life. Great advice
Yes I do know lots of oeople single by choice and happy about it too
Nothing like being comfortable with ourselves to be happy
Coolchillmom recently posted…Take the #MuyLatinas Smoothie-A-Day Challenge! #SmoothieChallengeMLN
That is such great advice. What an awesome interview.
Michelle F. recently posted…The Sprint Sound Session Event and the Amazing HTC One
I have never heard of such a thing as a dating coach. I think as long as people are themselves, they should have nothing to worry about.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted…The Glacial Caves at Loon Mountain
I am happily married with kids but I enjoyed reading this post.I always think there is someone for everyone you just have to find them.
Kay Adeola recently posted…Uggly The Gross Electronic Pup-Pet.Rudey the Pug
I agree you can basically meet people anywhere!
What a great article. sounds as if you are speaking from the heart. Staying true to yourself, I believe will bring you happiness on all levels.
Kathy recently posted…Roasted Chickpeas with Tomato Bits
My husband and I neither one wanted a serious relationship when we met – look at us now! Two kids later we are those sappy people that I drive over to have lunch with him a few days a week because I can not wait until he gets home to see him. You never know what life will bring you.
Interesting a dating coach. I’m from the old days when a guy asked a girl out you talked got to know them then decided where the relationship was going. I didn’t have internet or technology getting int he way.
becca recently posted…HealthyNow Colon Cleanse Detox Plus #Review #healthynow
Some people really are just not meant to be married. Some people are called to be married. It’s important that you don’t go against who you are because you feel others are forcing you in that direction. Be true to yourself.
Risa recently posted…Little K’s Incredible Journey – 7 Months Old
I love this line…”Do not get distracted by the illusion of finding a perfect partner and
perfect relationship. It does not exist.” That is so true!
I think a big part of it is finding someone you can be yourself with.
Tami recently posted…The Bachelorette Ten – Andi Dorfman
Great advice! I don’t think if something happened to my marriage (23 years) that I would even consider dating again. My brother does the dating websites and hasn’t found very many people that want the same things he does. It would just be scary to start all over again.
Rena McDaniel-The Diary of an Alzheimer’s Caregiver recently posted…MY HOLIDAY DISASTER!
I love this post. I finally found a great guy, married him, and had a son. BUT dating was a nightmare.
Dawn recently posted…Getting Active: 10 Ideas to “Do More” with the Whole Family (+Giveaway)
I think this is awesome. I think I need a dating coach. I however have no problem finding them its keeping them and staying interested.
Danielle recently posted…35 Weight Loss Tips That Really Work
Nice interview. Thank you so much for sharing it.
Lady Lilith recently posted…Test Shots: Upside Down and Dead
This is a great list of tips for someone in the dating world. Great interview.
Emilee recently posted…National Parents Day 2014
I completely agree that you have to really know yourself before you can give your all to a relationship. This is all great advice! I have seen way too many people who either think they are too good or not good enough, which isn’t usually the case!
I agree about being single. If a person wants to be single, I don’t like that friends/family (well-meaning, I know) try to cram a relationship down their throat.
Rosey recently posted…Secure Back-to-School Items with Master Lock (Innovative & Fun Products!)
I just don’t think I could do online dating. There seems to be so many creepers online.
Amber NElson recently posted…Jill Zarin Hosts 2nd Annual Ladies Luncheon, Raising Money For Cancer Research
What an interesting read and some great tips – I have to admit I was just loving being single when I met the other half lol. x
Sarah Bailey recently posted…Perfect Summer Flip Flops.
I am married. But I certainly agree with boundaries!
Cindy (Vegetarian Mamma) recently posted…#glutenfree #vegan #review: Ka’Chava @kachavatribe
I’m happily married now, but when I was single I always went by the rule that anyone can have one date. If safety was an concern (which it never was) I’d insist on a double date, but I never told a guy no to a first date.
Anna recently posted…Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
I love your advice you give in #4!! Each one of them is perfect and important. I think some people are holding out for these impossible expectations that no one can meet. Either that or they think they’re not someone’s idea of perfect just because they’re single. Great post and I love your thoughts on being single.
Rochelle recently posted…Learn ASL in 31 Days :: Day 24
Great interview, thanks!
Chrissy recently posted…Make-up by One Direction Giveaway!
I like his tip about boundaries. I think if you respect yourself, honor yourself, and are true to yourself, you will attract AND repel the right people.
Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM recently posted…What Is A Success Guide?
IF I was in Canada i would be going to this tour. You better believe that. What great advice, I hate being single
mommy2jam recently posted…Wild Flours Bake Shop
Singles events seem like a great way to meet people. I would be really uncomfortable doing online dating.
I have been married for 37 years and so hopefully I will never need these services, LOL. My adults sons are both single and I know that it is a whole different dating world out there now then when I was young. I also know that meeting people online is much more common and acceptable now.
sounds a great interview! i am 25 and married with one daughter. my sister is 23 and still single and i know a lot of my friends are single to even now that they are 40’s,
jane recently posted…BJF x Lace Cardigan #Giveaway!
My best dating advice for people who were in a prior relationship is to never go into a new relationship holding the new person to the old ones standards. I think too many people compare and that could be dangerous.
Amy D recently posted…New Chex Mix Popped are Kid Approved for Back to School Lunches! #ChexMixPopped
Great interview as well as interesting. The event can help a lot of people meet people and it is great they can get $10 off their ticket for the event. Thanks for sharing.
That is such great advice, know yourself and what you want. I have never really heard of a dating coach, but this guy seems to know his stuff.
Rach @ Eazy Peazy Mealz recently posted…Greek Cucumber Salad
cool interview. i kinda miss being single though 😛 sharing space bugs me sometimes.
Jenny recently posted…Mori Girl: Amanda
I agree with your thought on choosing to be single. Some folks are just happier alone.
Christie recently posted…Teepee Kids Craft
Great topics and being single is not easy! I’m married and being married is not easy. Great topic!
Great point!! There’s such a thing called Single Blessedness.. Choosing to be single to bless others..
Leira Pagaspas recently posted…Beach Getaway
I think online dating has revolutionized the dating scene. I met my husband online 15 years ago.
Tough Cookie Mommy recently posted…Make Sure Your Kids Don’t Miss Their First Day Of School! @MinuteClinic #GoBackHealthy #Ad
I am happily married, but back when I was single, these tips would have been very useful! I’ll be sure to pass them on to my daughter!
These tips would of been helpful to know when I was single.. but I’ll bookmark them anyways, lol
For a very long time that I have been single, reading this article with a very clear explanation about the freedom of being single and the choice of changing that I found this very useful and it is no doubt from a coach like Frank who is an expert of that field.
cococute life recently posted…Easy Homemade Coffee Jelly
These are really interesting tips! Thanks for such a great interview!
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