I’ve been reluctant to make New Year resolutions. Why may you ask? Fear! The fear of failing by not following through with them that is. But there is one goal I want to set for myself, and that is being debt free! Last month I posted about something that was personal. I debated whether or not it was something I wanted to share with the worl5d. I ended up sharing it and was glad I did. I read every single comment that was posted on that post, and I was left feeling like I wasn’t alone. And that there is hope. Since then, I have been watching my spending, and I am happy to say that I ended up the year with a positive balance in my bank account YAY ME!! The most expensive present I got were gold dice my boyfriend wanted (he is a big nerd).
Debt Monster
(When you open an account with them using my key we both get 25$, how awesome is that?!)
I’ve also been following some blogs that give tips on living “frugally.” Plus I have a friend that is very “savvy” when it comes to money, and he just LOVES giving me advice.
So here’s my December report (below). I like that I can SEE the amount that I owe going down. It makes me want to do better each month. Can’t wait to see what January has in store for me!
Net Worth Report for December 2013
I’d like to thank Tristan for his awesome abstract coloring =)
We will be facing this monster, as well, this year.
It can be slain!
I have been facing this monster for a while–but since I am now semi retired I have to re think and re do the entire budget!! PRAY for me!!!!
Yea I think this little monster hunts us all, But hey we just need to keep things in order & we will get rid of this little monster
Thank you Renee!
Awesome! It is a monster that we need to get real with and focus on. Congrats on you being brave to face it and display it. I does make things easier to have the visuals to watch as it gets closer to 0.
Using cash to only buy things seems to be very effective.
Yvonne Brown
Set your goals for 2014 =) Being debt free is a hard one but not impossible. Good Luck !!!
Being debt free is where we want to be. We are planning on the last week of the month being a no spending month as well as following a savings plan each week.
You’re certainly not alone in facing this one. Well done for being so open – I’m sure you’re honesty will inspire many others and let them know they’re not alone.
I think we all have some sort of debt. While I don’t have credit card or car payments, I have all the other bills, but the sad thing is – we’ll probably never catch up.
I haven’t faced the debt monster yet and am afraid to!
The sooner you face it the sooner you can beat it! Trust me!
The monster is always lingering and ready to strike.. unfortunately..
Great job on getting your finances in order. It’s better to deal with them than not think about them. I’m almost free of credit card debt. I only have one credit card left and the balance is $3,000. It feels good to get this under control. Good idea about opening an online banking account with no monthly fee.
I think most of us have this monster lurking. Some of us just hide it better than others. You did a super job keeping your monster at bay.
I am dealing with debt issues too. Not fun! I’ll have to check out ING, I’ve seen a lot about them but never really looked into them. Good luck facing your monster!
I am glad you are facing the debt monster head on! I myself am in debt but just can’t face it right now.
Good for you for not sweeping it under the rug. Getting out of debt is tough, but can be done! Good luck!
I am so happy to be far from the grip of this monster, but all these topic is important to always keep in mind
Good for you Marielle. Like any “monster” in life, you have to first face it to fight it. You will definitely do well now that you know what you’re up against. I’m glad you shared your story. I made the decision years ago to never use credit cards and I am happy to say, I pay cash only for whatever I need. Against popular beliefs…because people thought I was crazy…I downsized from a grand home to a much smaller one, saving myself $85,000 plus interest in the process. It’s still a struggle being single and self employed but being debt free is also in my near future
Awesome step to start the year. I started my year with less money as I paid a big amount last month but am glad I did, it’s stressful when you have a lot of debts.
we stayed positive balance too. I’m glad we did as well it’s not easy getting out of debt but there’s more self respect for when your able to. right now were trying the 52 week saving challange hubby and self as well as dave rambsy money make over and wow when you follow basic accounting rules and make sure each dollar has a name it’s wonerful feeling.
Congrats on the positive balance. You can definitely get rid of that debt monster if you just stick to your goals. We cut a lot out a few months ago by paying our insurance in full {avoiding installment fees}, cord cutting {we now use Netflix} and a few other things. All of this saved us about $700 a month!
This is awesome. I would be really interested in hearing how you developed your budget and such?
I wish you much success…you’re heading in the right direction by acknowledging it!
I’m very proud of you admitting it and now tackling it!!!
I would be interested to know how you came about your budget too…maybe your next post?!
This is the first step in the right direction! Happy New Year!!!
You’re right, debt is a monster! Congratulations on creating a plan and taking the actions to resolve it!!
Way to go! So proud of you for facing this head on and with a plan. You’re going to be out of debt before you know it!
Good luck in organizing your debt payments. Happy New Year! The drawing is cute!
we are always facing this monster i pretty sure she lives with me
Good luck in facing your monster through out this year – how cool is it though to see how much difference you have made, the % just looks so much better to me. x
Glad to know that you are on the right track 🙂 All the best to you! Yes, ING is awesome. I have an account with them too.. recently I opened up a THRIVE account as well as a means of saving more money.. Cheers to Savings, everyone 🙂 -Vinma
Hope you have a wonderful 2014 and at the end of the year the deb will be just a distant memory!
This is our year for downsizing our debt-so we can move to a bigger house. It will be nice to have more cash in our pocket!
That is great that you ended the year with money in the bank. It does get easier to live on a tighter budget with time.
I’m really the type not to think about it too much though am aware of it.. I just do what I can to earn so I can pay things off. 🙂
Debt, I hate it! We have been paying off my husband’s debt and it is a scary and long process. Especially if you owe a lot!
I admire your courage and honesty. Great job Marielle!
Thank you Greg!
I went through this many years ago and it took a long, hard and very committed 4 years to pull out of my HUGE and terrifying debt. But I learned so much that I’ve been 100% debt-free ever since.
That blueviolet comment was me. I guess I was signed into a really old account. Sorry!
I can totally understand how you feel because I want to become debt free too. I’ve been working towards that goal and made some progress but I need to focus more and work harder.
Thankfully I have no monster to deal with in that regard & I’d love to keep it that way!
I have to admit that 3 yrs ago we were over 30,000 in credit card debt alone. Thanks to a debt free program, we will be paying all of it off this year. To have that weight off our shoulders will be an immense relief!
I despise the F and B word, agh the sound of FINANCES and BUDGETING OH NO the monster is lingering under my bed for sure. I need to face this monster head on and get cracken, I need to get this burden off my shoulders. I am happy I don’t use credit cards however I am really bad at budgeting. I would love to fix my credit for all the stupid mistakes I made in my early 20’s
LOL we all seem to have made those mistakes in our early 20’s. Budgeting sucks but it helps. And using cash is a huge change. Face that monster! Show it your in control!
Way to go tackling your finances. I learned early on the important of having good financial health. I hope I can pass this on to my son so he never has to be in a bind.
I really need to start paying cash for things. I have the same problem.. Just use the debt card.. then at the end of the day you’re felt feeling sick because you thought you spent about $50 less than you actually did and now your budget is all used up! ARGH!!!!
You are not alone and what counts is that you are doing something about it now! Congrats!
Congrats for taking the steps and admitting you had a problem. I am glad you have an account now. I think more people should be encouraged to save than spend.
Good for you for confronting your “monster”!!! It is good to put it down on paper. I am glad you have a plan of attack. We have to watch our money close. I do not believe in credit cards and we have one in college and two more heading that way soon.