Ok, I lied. This isn’t a confession. BUT it is about a scrapbooker.
I’ve been meaning to do an interview on Charyssa since the day I met her! Seriously guys, it is rare that I meet someone and instantly like them. But that’s how it was when I first met her. She’s easy to talk to and she shares my love for Scentsy! She’s perfect!! What more can a girl ask for? 😉
The first time I met her she said “I believe God put people in your life for a reason”
1. Who are you and what do you do?
I’m a young artist who enjoys writing and scrapbooking. I work full-time in a youth center but this endeavor with my cards, invitations, albums, frames, etc. is my true passion. In 2007, I started scrapbooking after seeing a friend put together basic layouts for her album. In 2011, I registered my business “Urban B.A.L.I.” in the hopes to raising awareness to the cultures that aren’t represented in the scrapbooking demographic. BALI means Black Asian Latino Indian. With that being my aim, anything I create has an emphasis on different and sometimes cultural. I also draw in buyers who enjoy that you can find a “congrats” card with a Kente cloth print or a diva card with elephants and albums with sports themes. Sports, you say? Yes, because I like different and it’s different to create sports-themed cards for the men in your life.
2. Why Cards/Scrapbooking?
It may sound crazy but I got tired of buying cards that didn’t actually convey my feelings. When I realized that I could make create fun and spunky cards with my own sass, I was addicted. As for the scrapbooking, I was tired of seeing (and not seeing) my beautiful photos sitting in a box not telling their story. With creating my own scrapbook, anyone can look at them and know my heart.
3. What is your dream project?
I am such a romantic and would love to work on a complete wedding. Invites, thank you cards, return rsvp cards, registry info, etc. I would get to do table settings and the memory book where people sign their well-wishes. I’d be able to create a theme and incorporate it in all of the wedding. I’d even add little fun themed items to the bridal party’s bouquet and the boubonnieres.
4. Do You save old greeting cards and letters?
Of course! I always like to look back at the progression of my relationships with people through what was written in the cards/letters they gave me. Best way to see your way through an argument with someone is going back to the cards they gave you.
5. What are 2 of your favorite project to work on?
I love working on frames because I know they’ll hang on the wall and be visible to anyone who comes into the client’s home. The other project is working on holiday greeting cards. Like Christmas. I go out of the box and have a ball creating them.
6. Professionally, what’s your goal?
My goal would be to run Urban B.A.L.I. full-time with like-minded individuals as employees. I’d love to give a lot of these start-up companies a run for their money.
This was ordered for the Little Man. He graduated from kindergarten back in June.
Hope you guys enjoyed this interview as much as I did. I actually learned a lot about Charyssa after doing this interview.
Want to connect? Follow Urban B.A.L.I She recently got her a website and has been working to get it up and going! 🙂
Be sure to subscribe to my blog!
I tried being a scrapbooker…. I just bought a bunch of stuff, made a huge mess and forgot to print out the pictures but gosh I had some expensive scrapbook pages!
nicole recently posted…7 Ways to Save on Family Vacation
I’ve been curious about scrapbooking for a long time. I love the things that they create but I wonder if I have the creativity or the artistic talent to do it too…
Tough Cookie Mommy recently posted…Make Your Pet Healthy From The Inside Out! #AvoDermGlow @AvoDermNatural #Giveaway #Sponsored
I used to scrapbook ALL THE TIME, but then life just kind of got in the way and I haven’t touched it in a few years. I want to get back to it at some point.
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted…Homemade Ranch Dressing Recipe
I absolutely agree with what she said in the beginning- God DOES put people in our path for a reason. So glad you two have connected.
Alice Chase recently posted…VeggieTales Celery Night Fever DVD Giveaway
I love that quote. I truly believe everyone in our circles are there for a reason.
Marina recently posted…Downy Wrinkle Releaser Plus : Mama’s Back-To-School #WonderBottle !
I have such good intentions of scrapbooking. I bought so many supplies, but having done it. I love the school bus.
I love that quote/message you put first. 🙂 I believe in that saying too!
Aisha Kristine Chong recently posted…How to Start COSPLAYING
Sorry I think my comment was cut. anyway, I love the message you put first – I also believe in that saying. Nothing is inevitable, I guess.
Aisha Kristine Chong recently posted…How to Start COSPLAYING
I tried scrapbooking more than once and do not have the talent for it. I still have all my materials as I have not given up yet but I am horrible!
I love scrapbooking! I used to do more traditional scrapping but now, I’m more of a mixture between traditional and digital. Both are definitely enjoyable though.
Kori recently posted…Fabulous Freebies
I love the meaning behind BALI. Can you believe that I don’t throw away a single greeting card and I have my daughters in the same habit too. I feel like I’m hoarding but I enjoy looking back and reading old cards.
N phoenix recently posted…Review: PackIt @PackItCool #3CGBlog
I love using my cameo and wish I had more time to scrapbook. Digital scrapbooking is fun too.
Heather recently posted…July Glossybox + Leak for August + Free Mascara!
I love that quote! And I love interviews like this – always fun to get to know people better!
Kristen from The Road to Domestication recently posted…A Unique Way to Organize Your Spices!
Not sure i’m creative enough to scrapbook but i do love handmade cards and ites.
becca recently posted…$150 Amazon Gift Card #Giveaway
I do save old greeting cards. Some of them have come in handy for when I do scrapbook.
Amber Nelson recently posted…10 Easy Snacks Kids Can Make
As a fellow scrapbooker, I totally appreciate reading this. I am blown away by some of her talented examples. She does beautiful work!
Liz Mays recently posted…Game On! Denny’s Partners with Atari #DennysDiners
I love the wedding answer 🙂 I am such a romantic dreamer too.
LifeAsAConvert recently posted…Puzzle Buzz Magazine Pack GIVEAWAY!!
I can so relate to what she said about looking back at old cards/letters that someone gave you when you’re in an argument. My heart softens enough to go to them and offer an apology or forgiveness. It works all the time.
Tami recently posted…Quote of the week
I used to love scrapbooking but haven’t had time to do it in years. This made me miss it and want to get started again.
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Confession of a procrastinator: I have an entire box of stuff to scrap book. I am talking about 8 plus years of stuff!
Carly from The Puzzled Palate recently posted…(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: My Blogger Buddy
I think working on Christmas cards would be a blast. Weddings too. I am not a very creative person but there might be some hidden talent somewhere just waiting to come out, LOL.
I tried to scrapbook once, but just don’t have the patience for it. I really admire those who take the time to do layouts and make their photos look fabulous though. I bet hers are simply amazing!
Theresa recently posted…Elf on the Shelf Summer Care Package
I envy those who can scrapbook so well. I tried, and failed. I just couldn’t afford all the fancy papers and decorations that I wanted, and the cheap ones looked too cheap. Its wonderful she could follow her passion!
Jocelyn McGaffic recently posted…Slugterra: Return Of The Elementals
Thanks for sharing. I did scrap booing for a really short while. Although it was fun, I was not all that invested into it. Great craft though.
Lady Lilith recently posted…Rock n’ Roll: Final Shot
She sounds like a lot of fun … I love scrapbooking and wish I could still find time for it. Somehow after my 2nd child I have not been able to. 🙁
Anne | Beyond The Freshman 15 @ByondFreshman15 recently posted…100 College Must Have Items Checklist {Free printable!}
I have a lot of scrapbooking stuff and have done a little bit before but haven’t in almost a year and a half. I brought it all to India with me, so I probably should do some!
I have always wanted to do scrap booking, but I like it a lot.
She has great stuff, I would love to see her do her dream of wedding invites
coolchillmom recently posted…Travel in Florida takes us to The Stetson Mansion in West Volusia
I have SO many scrapbook supplies and I’ve yet to use them yet…. I need to get on it!
Krystal’s Kitsch recently posted…OneDay: An iPhone App to Create Lasting Memories
I tried scrap booking and I still have the materials somewhere but I never really followed through. Oh what fun it is and how relaxing.
Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM recently posted…Do You Have It ALL Together?
There was a time when I really enjoyed scrapbooking, but time just isn’t on my side. I can never find any to do the things I like.
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