I don’t know about you, but this year, the high amount of allergens in the air have been kicking our butts! I can’t tell you how many times my son has woken up in the middle of the night completely congested and having difficulty breathing. As for me, I would often get pressure on my face due to my sinuses and spent most of the night tossing and turning instead of sleeping. That was before we got the Philips 2000i Air Purifier. If you’ve struggled with airborne allergens for as long as I have (I was 16 when it started), the Philips 2000i Air Purifier is worth getting. Keep reading for some of the features that I love the most about this fantastic air purifier.
Clean Air Thanks To The NEW Philips 2000i Air Purifier
This post is in collaboration with Philips Canada. All opinions are my own.
You can visualize the air quality
One of the features that I love about the Philips 2000i Air Purifier is that you can see it in action thanks to the numerical display located on the 2000i. The numbers range from 1-12. 1 is good, but 12 means that the air in the room is polluted. In addition to the numerical display, the color ring provides a visual cue, ranging from blue to red. Usually, the ring will turn red when we are either cooking or if I walk in the room after spraying on perfume.
It’s Super easy to clean
A few years ago I had an air purifier, but I never could figure out how to clean it. After using it for a few years, it stopped working (probably because the filter was too dirty). Thankfully, the 2000i is extremely easy to clean. Simply remove the front (white cover), to display the pre-filter (which eliminates particles). You just run it through some water to remove the dust (see picture below to see how dirty it was!). Wipe it dry before putting it back.
Under the pre-filter, there’s also the Active Carbon filter, which reduces gases and odours. I wipe that down with a clean cloth, and the dust just comes right out.
Quiet sleep setting
I talked about this feature in my post where I shared tips on how to reduce allergens in your home (read it NOW!). I cannot fall asleep if there’s a bright light shining in my direction! We have a regular fan in our room that we use for white noise (what? You don’t do that?), and it has this super bright blue light! I usually have to put a black sock over it to keep the light from shining. Good news, the Philips 2000i Air Purifier has five different speed settings. One is for the extra-quiet ‘Sleep’ mode. When activated, the display ring turns off, and the noise level is as quiet as a whisper. Now, my son and I can get cleaner air and get a good night sleep without any interruptions.
Having clean air in our home is extremely important to our family. I’m so thankful to Philips Canada for sending the Philips 2000i Air Purifier to review.
Do you suffer from allergies caused by household allergens?
Thanks to technology that we r able to live healthy n strong
This is such a wonderful product ???
I would definitely get this! I can tell the air in the house needs purification
It’s been a HUGE help in our home! Highly recommend it!
You are right. Philips 2000I Air Purifier is really a good air purifier! I’m also using this air purifier at my home. It’s really of great quality. Thank you for informing some new tips on the air purifier with us. Learned something new! 🙂