Hello, my loves! I know, I know. I’m late to the party (again). All my blogger friends have already made their blogging goals for 2016 and are half way done accomplishing them, and here I am, just now making mine. Why so late? I wanted to make sure I made goals that I will be able to complete (this time around lol). If you read my My 2015 Failed Goals post, then you know what I mean.
Blogging Goals For 2016
Picture courtesy of deathtothestockphoto.com edited by me.
This year I want to focus my goals more towards my blog and growing my social media platforms. I’ve been blogging for three years, and I still feel like I haven’t accomplished enough (blogging wise). So without further ado, here are my blogging goals for 2016.
1. Grow my social stats for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram: I’m focusing on these three areas this year. Here are my current stats as of January 2016.
I know I can reach these numbers on Twitter and Instagram, but I have this nagging feeling that Facebook will be a challenge. I welcome tips and tricks for growing my Facebook likes.
2. Host 5 giveaways: I’ve heard bloggers using giveaways to grow their social following. Plus I want to spoil my readers for their awesomeness!
3. Post 100 times: Yikes! Crazy yes. It’s also one of the goals I was not able to complete last year. But I feel confident that I can reach this goal! So far I have seven posts published since January 1st! Yay!! Just 93 (92 if we count this one) to go!
4. Network more: This goal can’t be “tracked” I just want to be able to connect with more bloggers. Since I started blogging, I’ve been blessed to meet (not in person yet) a LOT of amazing bloggers. Stay tuned for my top 10 favorite blogs.
5. Share Scentsy: A lot of you know (either from reading my Scent of the Month posts or from following me on my personal Facebook page) that I’m an Independent Scentsy Consultant (shameless plug here 😉 ). I have not updated my Scent and Warmer of the month post in a LONG time. I loved writing these posts, and I want to start again.
6. Monster Chronicles Rematch: Alright, this one is a more personal goal for 2016 (still blog related though). I started writing my monster Chronicle posts almost two years ago. Last year I completely stopped when I got pregnant. I loved, LOVED these posts because they were more personal and my Little Man would help each month color the monster of the month. Can’t wait to write start writing again about my monsters.
Alright, so these are my blogging goals for 2016. Can we do it? Yes, WE CAN! LOL, You can help me reach a few of these goals by sharing my blog with your friends and following me on my social medias (if you aren’t already).
I love to hear from you guys. Do you have any goals for 2016 that you feel will need a lot of work to accomplish? Share them with me in the comments.
Follow me here: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
Don’t forget to subscribe to stay updated as I work on accomplishing all my blogging goals for 2016.
Those are very reasonable numbers, so I don’t see any reason why you won’t hit the mark….or even go beyond 🙂
I want to increase my social outreach too! Good luck with your stats I hope they go up!
Ana De- Jesus recently posted…Blogger Outreach Programmes You Should Sign Up To
Great goals for 2016. I lvoe setting blogging goals and watching to see when I hit them.
Great goals. Like Dory would say, just keep writing. I also love giveaways
tara pittman recently posted…The Plans I Have For You Devotional & Journal + Giveaway (US & Canada)
Setting attainable but challenging goals is important. I think you can reach your goals! No advice on Facebook likes, it’s been a struggle for me too!
We all struggle with FB. If they would stop changing their algorithms, we might stand a chance, but I gave up hope a LONG time ago.
Those are great goals, I hope everything goals well! Maintaining a blog is definitely not that easy, but it’s very rewarding!
Awesome goals! I can’t wait to start following along and seeing how your year goes.
I’m working on twitter and instagram this year as well. I want twitter to be doubled by the end of they year.
You go for what you set your heart on my dear! Wish you all the best with attaining them. 🙂
Claudette recently posted…Satisfied Vs Settling: Same Or Different?
I love these goals. I’m just starting my blog so I have a lot of goals but it’s mostly posting and trying to get more followers.
You have a good numbers, I’m sure you will achieve your goals.
You have great goals this 2016, I think setting up smart goals in our mindset would be great and I’m sure that we will reach it.
Good luck with your goals for 2016. You have most certainly put me to shame with those numbers…hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha…I am nowhere there but trudging along.
Mardene Carr recently posted…I Am Not Alone – Kari Jobe
I wish you luck in achieving your goals. My goal is to write an article at least once a day and go from there.
Jessica Cassidy recently posted…Where to buy the best musical instrument
These are great goals! I still haven’t set mine yet :/
Rachel Mouton recently posted…New Technology Slashes Electricity Bills for Texans
I’ll be rooting for you to make your goals! I agree that Facebook situation has me stumped :/
Those are great goals and they are achievable. I’m working on increasing my followers, too.
OurFamilyWorld recently posted…13 Awesome Family Movies from 2006-2010
You’ll totally hit those goals in numbers. I struggle with Facebook too though, so I get why you’re a little leery about that one.
LIz Mays recently posted…Ready, Set, Roll Pink!
These are great goals. I really find Facebook to be harder to grow than the others with all of the changes
Gingermommy recently posted…How Bloggers can work with brands
They are very good goals to work towards. I agree with you – Facebook numbers are the biggest challenge but challenges are fun, right? Good luck!
Wow these are some amazing goals. I’d love to host 5 giveaways and complete 100 posts this year too. Thanks for the food for thought and best wishes in 2016!
This is a great list. I will also be working on increasing my numbers.
Dogvills recently posted…Cute & Simple Pom Pom Valentine’s Day Craft for Kids
Sounds like a great plan! I am working on many of the same goals! Cannot wait to hear your end of the year outcome!
Mama to 5 BLessings recently posted…Medical Care With Video Visits From Doctor on Demand #FeelBetterFaster
These are all great goals. But I think you need to mostly enjoy your blogging and not place so much pressure on yourself to hit these marks. Good luck!
Carmen Perez (listen2mama) recently posted…Skinny Pop Rocks!
These are great goals and seem definitely achievable! I am also focusing on growing my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Those are some lofty but great goals! I find if you have something to work towards it always makes it easier instead of just “I hope to raise my Facebook numbers”. Can’t wait to see if you reach (or surpass!!) your goals this year 🙂
Good luck achieving your goals. It is a lot of work!
Heather recently posted…The Importance of Preventative Dental Care
Giveaways have done wonders for me. I just started working on social media as well. I have hosted three giveaways and got a few hundred followers. They just take a lot of time to promote but well worth it.
I think you are doing extremely well. My social media stats are okay, hope to grow the number this year
Awesome goals! I would love to set some blogging goals. I need to get with a plan for sure this year.
tess recently posted…No-Bake “Peanut Butter” Chocolate Cheesecake
This is a great list of goals for the year. I have similar goals just in smaller numbers, haha. I’ve only been blogging for a few months but it can be overwhelming to constantly see people grow these massive blogs in less than six months. I have to remind myself sometimes that I started my blog to have fun, share recipes, and make friends. Good luck in the coming year, I’ll be back to visit often!
These are ambitious and attainable goals! I hope when you get to December 31, you’ll have all these accomplished.
Miles L. recently posted…Sally is a Wagglepets Pooch!
I have some similar goals, definitely want to build my social following as well!
Amber NElson recently posted…AT&T Spreads The Cheer To Seniors This Holiday Season #ATTImpact
These are great goals, and I know you will achieve them. Facebook is such a challenge.
Lois Alter Mark recently posted…hot and cold marriage
you are ahead of me, I havent even written my goals down yet but I have an idea of what they will be! Good luck for your ones
Goal setting is so important in focusing one’s energy, especially in this business.
I like that you numbered and listed your goals in a good order also.
Good luck to you! I have one goal for 2016: Not buy any toys or books. We have too many toys and can get any book we want from the library. Instead we will spend our fun money on experiences.
These are great goals for 2016. I am changing my carer path and will need to do a lot of work to achieve the job i want. It will be worth it in the end.
These are definitely some great goals and I’m sure you can achieve them! Best of luck in 2016 girl!
Shannon Gurnee recently posted…Brighten Up Your Day with Beautiful Calendar
I think those goals are totally do-able! 🙂 FB is tough to grow but you already have a nice base to start with.
It’s never too late to set goals. Good luck with them.
Well, you have them written down and you have a whole bunch of readers holding you accountable, so I’m sure you’ll achieve all you have set out to do in 2016!
Believe it or not I don’t have any goals for 2016. I am taking it one day at a time. Good luck to you and I genuinely hope you achieve all your goals.
Make your magic happen, girl!
Great blogging goals, I’m sure you will achieve them with hard work 🙂 I also want to expand my social reach in 2016. Best of luck! 🙂
Great set of goals and you’ve done a good job of setting reasonable and attainable goals.
These are some great goals! Be careful with the giveaways though. The downside of giveaways is that they bring in the numbers, but they don’t bring in the interaction. Basically you end up with a bunch of people that are only following you to try to win something and will then unfollow you as soon as your giveaway is done.
Hope you manage to reach all your goals for 2016!
That is true about giveaways. Thank you, I hope I can reach my goals too.
Great goals! Good luck in 2016!! 🙂
Warren @ Blog to Taste recently posted…Crispy Asian-Style Chicken Thighs Recipe
These sound like great goals. I confess, I have been really lazy about my facebook page because I have been told they don’t have that much value anymore. What do you think?
Go for it!! All the best!! 🙂
Some of the goals you mentioned are my blogging goals for this year too..good luck for yours. 🙂
Good luck with your blog and completing your goals in 2016. I am totally with you… I should post more regularly in 2016… Finding time is big challenge for me, lol. x
Ninz/ http://www.ninzbeauty.com
These are great goals!
Great and achievable goals, I’m sure you can do it! My goals are to focus on photo’s and photoshop, write more posts and a lot more since I’m still new at blogging!
Sounds great, I wish you all the best for 2016!
Good Luck ! If only I can reach your current numbers of followers at Facebook and Insta !
I need to set some goals for myself. I feel like I’m lacking in this department.
Love your goals!!
I love these goals that you’ve set for yourself! Very achievable and something to strive for! Best of luck!! 🙂
Thank you so much Amber! I hope I can reach my goals!