I used to think that having one child automatically made me an expert in the baby department. My daughter forced me to throw away that notion the moment she came into this world. Things I didn’t worry about with my son, suddenly kept me awake at night. Everything from the food I gave her to the products I use on her skin. Everything!!
Bath Time Routine With Baby #2
I know that not all babies are the same, but my son and daughter are polar opposite in so many ways! Sure, she looks like a mini copy of him when he was a baby, but everything else is different. Their sleep habits, their taste in food, their completely different stance when it comes to bath time. Her obsession with ketchup and his strange distaste for it (I mean who doesn’t like ketchup?!) One thing that I worried about is whether or not she would hate taking a bath like he did. And guess what?
My daughter LOVES bath time. I remember when my son was a baby, he would turn purple in the face from all the screaming. He hated it so much. Now he’s a little fish in the water but the first 2 + years, bath time was hellish. My daughter has loved bath time since she was a tiny baby. She never fussed, and for that I am grateful.
I don’t recall feeling this worried about bath time with my son. I knew he hated it. We had to get it done. There were days he was ok in the bath, but most days he wasn’t ok. When I tell my daughter “Let’s go take a bath,” she’ll start to pull her shirt or socks off hahaha.
My routine with my daughter has been the same since I started sleep training her last year. Unlike her brother, she needs – craves – consistency.
I usually wait until after supper to take her bath because she loves eating with her whole body (that’s ONE thing she does have in common with her brother). On the days she didn’t get any food in her hair, we simply take a bath, put on lotion, dress her in her pajamas and off to bed we go.
I recently got the chance to try the new Dove Baby collection and added it to our bath time routine. We start off with the Tip to Toe body wash. I love how soft it leaves her skin after we rinse off. It’s mild enough for everyday use which is perfect for her dry skin. On the days that she DID get food in her hair, we shampoo.
My daughter is part Haitian and part Italian/Quebecois. Her hair is mostly soft like her dad’s, but in the back, It’s more similar to my hair texture. I’ve used the Baby Dove Shampoo a few times this week, and I’ve already noticed that her hair isn’t getting as matted in the back. Which is great because she HATES when I have to untangle it.
The Baby Dove lotion is hypoallergenic and provides 24 hours of moisturization. I use the cream to massage her tiny little toes and legs. She loves that! We end it with some cuddle time then off to dreamland she goes (code for mommy free time).
What is something that you worried about with your second child but didn’t with your first? Does your toddler enjoy bath time as much as mine does? I’d love to hear from you.
Be sure to visit Dove for more information about their new Baby Dove products.
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Available at Real Canadian Superstore, Loblaws, Zehrs, Fortinos and Atlantic Superstore or for convenient pick up here.
This post is part of the YummyMummyClub.ca and the Dove Baby #BabyDove sponsored program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.
My boys love baths too. They would jump in with their clothes on.
That sounds so great! I wish Dove baby had been around when my kids were babies. It would have been so nice to use for them.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…What’s in my desk drawer? #linerup
You know that I think your daughter is simply ADORABLE! I trust Dove products too! I think they really care about what goes into them.
Joely Smith recently posted…March Round-Up What You May Have Missed
It is funny how most kids love baths as a child. Now mine are teens and they hate getting in the bath or shower. It is like pulling teeth to get my son to take a shower!
Kelly Hutchinson recently posted…Four Secrets To Raising A Strong And Happy Daughter #StreamTeam
I have been using Dove products for years and I love it. I am excited to try the new Dove Baby collection. My kids were polar opposites in so many ways when they were babies as well.
I love how kids are very different. Some are little fishes, while others will not hear the word ‘water’. Your daughter has a very beautiful smile btw
We didn’t have this when my kids were babies. Both my granddaughters love bath time!
Dogvills recently posted…10 Cats that Love to Cuddle
Oh my goodness she is too cute! Look at that smile – you can tell she is LOVING bath time. Dove products are great!
Yea, who does not like ketchup?!
She looks so pretty! Her smile is so cute too! I love Dove products because they feel soothing on my skin.
I did NOT know that Dove had baby products out there! I have twin girls who LOVE bath time. I need to get some of this!
Dove is so soft and nice on the skin I can only imagine how nice that makes bath time!
Such a great line of products by Dove. So great that you can trust them with your most precious of things in this life. I love their products!
Melissa Dixon recently posted…Tips for Creating Healthy Habits for the Whole Family
Dove products are so wonderful .. I’ve been using them for years. Baby dove would have been perfect when my kids were little. They could spend hours in the tub. Not so much anymore!
We recently had an other baby–last Saturday to be exact. I also share some of the same concerns you do. I am happy to see that Dove has created products that I can feel safe using.
My son loves bathing and Dove is really good for everyone’s skin
I never had any problem with baby’s bath time. All of my kids love the water. I never tried dove for them because I had a problem with this brand as it makes my skin more sensitive. I’m afraid the effect would be the same for my kids.
Too cute – and right all 3 of my kids are like totally opposite from each other – funny how that works. Except all mine love ketchup LOL – I actually didn’t know dove made a baby wash I will have to try for my 2 year old!
I wish this was around when my girls were little! I might have to still use it on them.
I haven’t seen Dove Baby products in stores yet but I do love the adult products. As a child I loved baths, but now I barely have the patience for a shower. LOL
Dove products are amazing. The kids and I are avid dove users in this house. In fact my husband loves dove soap too.
I remember bath time for my kids. My daughter always enjoyed it. But my boys always hated it in the beginning. Once they were old enough to splash and play, they enjoyed it better. My biggest fear was dropping their slippery body when they were babies. Thankfully, that never happened. 🙂
uprunforlife recently posted…Enter to Win a $150 Visa Giftcard Giveaway Ends 4/21
It is so true that each child is different! My son has always loved baths, whereas my daughter has always loathed them even though she’s now almost 5. 🙂
It’s great that the Dove baby shampoo helps with untangling the hair. I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for a child to bare the pain of untangling the hair with a brush. It’s always much better when the shampoo can do all that for them, in a gentle way.
baby dove is really nice for my kids, it smells so good and i think my kids like them too!
bath time is my kids favorite daily routine at home! i alsso use dove for my kids! it smells so fresh and clean!
I miss those times when I used to give my babies a bath before they go to bed.
Bathtime is about so much more than getting clean. It’s a chance to play, learn, grow and bond with my daughter.
You baby is simply the cutest. I love looking at her photos on IG but I bet bathtime is so much better for her with Baby #2
She is a doll!! My grandson loves bath time, I have to make him get out. I need some Dove!!
Kathy Myers recently posted…Spring Cleaning is a breeze… Shark® Rocket Complete with DuoClean™ Technology
Dove has always been too sensitive for my skin but my friend’s use dove & they love it…. because of their sensitive skin.