I’ve been dreading today (Sunday) since Demo announced that he was leaving on a business trip for a whole week. I’ve always had someone with me, so I’m curious to see how I will do without him for a week. Today I’m sharing a few of the things that I’m grateful for this week.
Am I spoiled?
My Demo!
I may not tell him every day how amazing he is, but he is. Knowing that he was going to be gone for a week, he stocked up the fridge and cupboards with one month worth of food. I had to laugh when I saw him walk in with all the food. He knows I’ll be alright if I have plenty to eat! LOL
Bad Monkey Popcorn
Two weeks ago Demo brought home some popcorn from this brand called Bad Monkey. It’s a local company, and Demo LOVES supporting local businesses. This popcorn is out of this world delicious! It melts in your mouth but not in a soggy kind of way. He’s been coming home with a bag every other night for me. So good! He even “ran out of space” in his suitcase which meant, he couldn’t bring the two bags of Bad Monkey maple syrup popcorn with him. What a shame! More for me!
My son.
I’ve written about it before, but I’m so thankful for the bond that my children share. My son has been a gem with helping out with his baby sister while I work. They watch Word Party (a Netflix show that we are all obsessed with lol) while I make breakfast and on his off day, he even shovels the snow! What more can a mama want?
What I tell ya, totally spoiled!!
Alone with two kids for the first time! Let’s see how it all goes down.
See you all next Sunday for another Grateful Sunday post.
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I’ve never heard of Bad Monkey before. That was so thoughtful of your husband to do, that’s very sweet!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…Scotties Facial Tissues Welcomes The Homeless Into Permanent Housing
He’s such a good big brother and Demo sounds like an amazing partner. Don’t eat all that Bad Monkey popcorn though, send some for me. 🙂
AnnMarie John recently posted…Tips for a Better You with Better for You Snacks
I love Sunday’s as I can sleep in late at times. The kids will usually wake up before me but know to not wake me up at 7am.
It seems like a lot to be grateful for. Your family is beautiful! 🙂
Your kids are so adorable 🙂 And your husband sounds like the sweetest guy! <3
How sweet of your hubby! And that’s one great helper you have there! You’ll do just fine. 😉
It’s awesome that your kids like hanging out together and watching that show! It’s cool that you have a local popcorn business you can support!
I would not really say spoiled, but you are fortunate to be blessed with a loving family! I would want to try that popcorn. But since you said its a local business, I think I would have a hard time finding it where I live. Your have such wonderful kids too!
Yum, popcorn is my weakness! Your kiddos are so stinking cute.
What a good man! Mine is lost in the grocery store– lol!! But he’s good at a lot of other stuff, so it’s all good. Gorgeous family!
You are totally spoiled! All of us who are lucky enough to have happy, healthy family in our lives are spoiled. There are a lot of people out there who don’t have that.
I love this!! It’s so easy to forget how the little things can make your life so different and so much better.
It is so great to be grateful. I love that you posted this! Your family is beautiful!
Karissa @WithOurBest (@withourbest) recently posted…MegaFood – Let’s Pledge to Nutrition!
You have a beautiful and loving family. The popcorn sounds yummy. I’m sure you and the kiddos will have so much fun.
Your husband is really sweet. You have a beautiful family 🙂
Bad Monkey sounds like it would be a great snack. I love that you take time out each week to think about your blessings.
Awwww, I am spoiled too. I don’t know what I would do without my hubby! I love the bond that your son and daughter share!
Echo recently posted…Self Care Is Hard
I have never heard of Word Party I’ll be looking that up for my toddlers tomorrow! What a sweet hubby for stocking the kitchen for you!
Great looking family. I love supporting local businesses, too. It makes me proud the awesomeness that happens locally.
mmm-mmm popcorn, I love that stuff! How nice to have your son shovel (when my son gets a little bigger I’ll have to show him this post as I hand him a shovel and give him a kiss on his beautiful forehead and thank him …HA! lucky you!
I am spoiled too. My kids help me quite a bit since I deal with chronic health problems. I am super thankful for them.
uprunforlife recently posted…Enter to Win an $150 Amazon Giftcard Giveaway Ends 3/4/17 WW
Sounds like you definitely have a winner there girlie! I’ve never heard of Bad Monkey before! PS Love the pics of your kids!
Shannon Gurnee recently posted…The Gululu Interactive Bottle Shakes Things Up!
I love this post. Your kids are adorable! I have to say that popcorn sounds awesome too!
I’ve been trying to do a better job of being grateful for the many good things I have going on in my life. Sometimes it’s easy to not see the forest for the trees.