“It has been said time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind protecting its sanity covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it’s never gone.” – Rose Kennedy
The Heir
Below is a painting done by my good friend Jason. It is called “The Heir”. I loved it the moment that I saw it. I don’t know how to describe it without sounding like a loony. IT “spoke” to me (yep, that sounds loony)! Looking at this painting made me think of my father. I miss him so very much. Even more so around this time of the year.
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“The Heir” |
My all time favorite song that makes me think of my daddy is Luther Vandross “Dance with my father again“.
Do you have someone that you are missing? How do you celebrate their lives? Any favorite quotes about grieving? Love hearing from you guys.
Sorry that you are missing your father. I still have both my parents and so have not endured that pain yet. That’s an interesting painting!
I have been missing a lot of passed friends and family lately. I guess its just the holidays. That is a pretty awesome Thanks for sharing!
Incredible painting, it tells such a story. I love the colors and it isn’t overly complicated but still does speak volumes of words. Love it!
That painting is absolutely incredible – your friend Jason is very, very talented.
Feel blessed by the memories you have of your father, one thing people who have lost parents tend to forget is that their are others out there without parents to lose. Although this won’t lessen your pain you have something to give you joy, the gift of a having had loving parent and memories to cherish and put a smile on your face and in your heart forever. ๐ Happy holidays. This is what I grieve for at Christmas time ๐
I haven’t seen that quote from Rose Kennedy, but have heard that old quote that time heals all wounds… She’s correct in her logic except for one vital point… She has never experienced the SimplyHealed Method of energy healing. With this method, we completely heal, and it doesn’t take the time inferred in the quote… Great post. I know how you feel… I miss my fathers too, but bask in all they taught me and left for me. My heart is filled with gratitude for the gift parents are for us!
Yes i do and it marks a year last month. Love the painting!
What a beautiful painting! You are not looney for saying the painting spoke to you. Art has a way of doing that whether it is spoken or illustrated. I am sorry you are missing you father. I am missing my friend Jeanette who died last Dec. 23rd. I am trying to get my life back together for her as I haven’t been the same since. I am also planning a special section in one of my scrapbooks to remember her and to gain closure.
We lost my wifes mother in 2009, and the holidays are never the same without her. My family go and visit her at this time of the year.. she is gone, but not really gone (now i sound loony)
I am sorry for the unfortunate loss of your father and I can sympathize because I loss my late mom and she is greatly missed at our family Holiday gathers. It is wonderful that your friend’s painting reaches you and cheers you and makes you think of your father; he must have been a very loving, uplifting and humorous father.
LOL, Barbara Iris Alsieux, they the Founder and the Owner of Parental World Knowledge
My father has been gone for over 15 years now, so I do sympathize. I like the bold colors in the painting!
As a Grief Recovery Specialist, I am aware that time does not heal all wounds. It what we do with the time that makes the difference!! I’m so glad the picture spoke to you!
I forgot about that Luther Vandross song, that is a good one! the painting is lovely.
Every time I hear that song I start crying because I lost my own dad last year. That’s a nice painting. Your friend Jason is a very good artist.
Beautiful painting. I miss my father, he passed 9 years ago. For his birthday this year, I will be running my first half marathon in his name.
I am very sorry you are missing your father.. I have been dealing with sadness of my mother being gone 1 year… I’m hoping this year is a little easier than last.
I don’t have a favorite song about grieving, but I really like this painting.
It’s interesting that the painting spoke to you. It’s so hard when we lose a loved one and it doesn’t get easier. This time of year is very hard.
I don’t have a song, but I sure do have some good memories that get me through.
I am missing my dad too. It has been over 4 years since he passed and I miss him every day. I love that Luther Vandross song too, but I can’t listen to it without lots of tears.
What an awesome painting! I am sorry to hear you are missing your dad. The sad thing is I miss my dad too, but he only lives 15 minutes away..I need to see him more. I really miss my grandma that passed away in 2007! I used to have lunch with her every wekeend and chat about everything. Our time was precious. <3
This is a beautiful painting. I also am catapulted to experiencing memories with certain images or songs. I can totally relate to how you are feeling.
I miss my grandfather too, who passed away almost 2 years ago. We celebrate him by remembering his wisecracks and imagining what he would do if he was still alive..
I do have somebody that I am missing and it is not because he is dead. My father is in prison. I haven’t seen him in going on two years now. He got six years. He missed the birth of his grandson who is almost 1 now. He always wanted a grandson and because of his careless actions he is missing out on him and my two girls. But I do miss him, especially this time of the year.
One of the best parts of art is that it can talk to people differently. It means one thing to tone person and something entirely different to another. Enjoy and cherish your wonderful memories of your Father during this holiday season.
I’m really sorry you’re missing your father. I haven’t even seen mine in a while
Sorry for your loss Marielle. I lost my husband 9 years ago, so I can relate to a major loss. It does get better over time. The wonderful memories do sustain you.
I really love the depth and modern feel for the painting. I am so sorry for your loss, and my prayers are with you and your family.
I’m sorry for your loss ๐ thoughts and prayers are with you and yours
This year is the hardest year ever for me… this will be the first Christmas without my mom, who passed in May. My heart ache for her every day. ๐
I love the painting… soo powerful… will keep you in our prayers (((HUGS)))
I have not had a lost like yours but think hooring your dad with such a fantastic piece of art is a lovely tribute.
*honoring. Sorry My kets are sticking.
I love the colours in that painting.
That’s a really neat painting. ๐
This time of year is hard for me because my grandmother, who I was as close to as I was to my mother, went into the hospital on December 19th, 2004, and she died on December 23rd, 2004. Christmas is a beautiful time of year, but for me, it’s bittersweet.
Jenn, [email protected]
Your friend is really talented! I am missing my grandparents…I cannot be with them for Christmas this year!
Thank you every single one of you for the beautiful comments and bless you all! <3
I also love that song-and it brings tears to my eyes everytime I hear it. Yes, still after 48 years I still miss my Dad.
Great post and beautiful piece – thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful painting. I haven’t lost anyone close to me yet, but I am afraid to