I had a hard time finding the words for this post. Mostly because I’m still so annoyed about the whole thing, but I’m not the type to make a big scene in public (i.e. online). Still, here I am, wanting to get this off my chest. What better way to do that than to share my 5 Reasons You Should Avoid The Lego Imagine Nation Tour? Disclaimer: This is NOT a bashing post, more of a “heed my warning” kind of post. Stick around; it’s going to be good.
5 Reasons You Should Avoid The Lego Imagine Nation Tour
I first heard of the Imagine Nation Tour from the Lego Club magazine that I signed up for my son a while back. My son has been a big fan of Lego blocks since watching the Lego Movie a few years back. Figured it would be a fun little trip to take as a family. I knew about the tour months ago, but I waited last minute to get tickets. I recalled seeing the price for the tickets at 22$ but by the time I went to the website to order, they had gone up to 28$. This would have been the perfect time to back out of it, but I had already told my son that we were going. So I went ahead and completed the order for four tickets. Boy oh Boy, I wish I hadn’t dragged the whole family there. Why?
The cost!
28$ per person over the age of 2 years old is ridiculous!! There’s NOTHING to do for the parents other than watch their kids playing with the Lego. I can do that for FREE at home! Just throw some Lego on the ground and watch them play for a couple of hours.
No Loot Bag!
You can call me greedy if you want but 28$ to watch a bunch of kids playing with Lego, you better give me a treat bag or SOMETHING! 28$ should include at least ONE piece of Lego to take home.
Here’s the face of my daughter when I told her how much it cost to be here. She wanted to keep a Lego. We didn’t.
You are Not allowed outside food.
Ok, this one I can understand. Can you imagine a bunch of people eating and touching the Lego blocks? Eww! That one is not a con. As we made our way to the door for the even you could see food all over the sitting area. Drinks, and even sushi. To be fair, it does say on the website that food is not allowed inside the event. Also, before my friend squeals on me, I did sneak in some cooked noodles for my daughter to snack on. We went outside to eat them.
You don’t play with Lego.
This is where it might have gone wrong for me. I didn’t grow up playing with Lego toys. Ever. I mean, I get it. It’s popular with so many people. But to me, they are just things that I’m always stepping on in the middle of the night (thanks, kid!). Papa grew up playing with Lego, but he wasn’t too impressed with the event. He was pretty cool about me dragging him to the even after he had a long day at work. He even helped the Little Man build a Lego car (or something).
There’s NOTHING to do for non-Lego loving adults.
Chairs. That is what they had for non-Lego loving adults. They had folding chairs set up all around each Lego Stations. I will give them props for that one. It was funny to watch some of the parents faces as they all realized that they just wasted money coming to this event. I laughed a bit but mostly I wanted to cry.
The moment you walk into an event and get that instant feeling that you just took money out of your pocket and set it on fire, you know it’s going to be bad. That’s exactly how I felt as soon as I walked in the Lego Imagine Nation Tour event.
In my opinion, the Lego Imagine Nation Tour was a waste of money. Would I go again? Probably not. I can watch my son play with Lego blocks for free. I can even invite a few of his friends; they can bring THEIR Lego toys too, and we can have our very own Lego mountain, and it won’t cost us anything.
The main reason I was disappointed is that I was expecting MORE. I mean it’s LEGO! If you look them up, they made over 2.1 billion in sales in 2015 (Wikipedia). They Could have done so much more. Or maybe not charge so much for the little they offered. Don’t get me wrong. My son had fun playing with the Lego toys. I just feel that they should have had better prices for families and have loot bag or something for the parents (other than folding chairs to sit on).
End rant.
Have you heard of the Lego Imagine Nation Tour? Will it be in your city and if yes, do you plan on going?
Subscribe for more family adventures. I’ll have some more pictures on Facebook for you guys to check out.
Let’s connect!
Holy WOW..that is ridiculous! I would be mad too after finding out I just spent well over $100 to sit and watch my kids play with LEGOs. We are a family of 5…that’s way too much money. I mean, I get that they would be playing with other kids, but I know mine wouldn’t because they are too shy for that honestly. There was nothing else at all going on there? No character meet & greets or anything?
Yes! Total waste of money! They should have done more to justify the 28$ cost PER person!
I heard of the Lego tour but only on facebook posts. I have no children so would not even be tempted to go. But back when my friends had little kids–they probably would have wanted to–and yes–legos do seem to catch you unaware in the middle of the night–and yes it does hurt to step on them!!
Michele recently posted…Book Review-Cold Moon-Alexandra Sokoloff
LOL It’s usually when you are barefoot that they catch you unexpected! Hehehe
One of my grandsons is crazy about legos. I’ve stepped on my fair share and the pain is real. If the tour was near me, I would have taken the grandkids if I had not read this post and I would have expected a heck of a lot more than just sitting there watching them playing with a bunch of legos. Like you said, they can do that at home.
We’re not that into legos here yet. The Lego store does just fine and no fee to walk in 🙂
Sorry you didn’t enjoy it but now you know!
My kid loves Lego’s but it looks like you can have more fun just walking into the Lego store and playing with what they have.
I would have expected an experience especially for that price. No thanks.
We have a Lego store not too far. That would have been so much better than this event!
I’d never heard of this before, but let me get this straight — they charge you that much per person to sit and play with Lego that they’ve dumped out on the floor?? Seriously … I’m just shaking my head over here. I think this would have been a much better idea to offer FOR FREE to underprivileged kids. Give them some snacks and let them play with Lego for a few hours. It would have been much better publicity than this idea for sure. Ugh …
I totally hear you. We went to one a few years ago, but only because I got comp tickets for a blog review. It was great for not having to pay, but I never, ever would have paid the admission price for it. Total rip off for the price.
I have not heard of it myself! I am guessing it is not coming here! That price is quite high for just an event!
Jeanette recently posted…Peanut Butter Stuffed Butterfinger Brownies
That is very expensive. I could take my kids to an amusement for that price.
tara pittman recently posted…2 Great Ways To Save Money On Luvs- The Official Diaper Of Experience Moms #SharetheLuv
I know right! Way more fun than to sit around watching kids playing with Legos!
This is all good to know! We love Legos, but not that much! That’s really an expensive Lego event.
lisa recently posted…Back To School Shopping At Chicago Ridge Mall & A $50 Kohls Giveaway!
That does sound expensive! Wow. I grew up playing with legos, but the toy itself is so expensive now that I was unable to afford it for my own boys when they grew up. I did enjoy Lego Land at Disney – but that was free.
Alicia Taylor recently posted…Portion Control Tips for Weight Loss – Why Measuring cups don’t work
My son loves Legos, but he would be sorely disappointed to go to an event like this and not have anything to take home with him. For that price, there needs to be some sort of take-away. It sounds very underwhelming.
My kids love Lego’s, but that’s a pricey admission cost! $28 to play with Lego’s seems steep to me, too! I can throw some Lego’s on the floor in our living room and they’ll have just as much fun!
Jenn @ EngineerMommy recently posted…DIY No-Sew Fabric Storage Bags
Oh no! They should definitely think about reducing the cost or adding a few more things to do, especially for parents. Hopefully they make some changes.
Liz Mays recently posted…Taffy Apple Salad
Legos are fun and such but this sounds intesnse. I dont think I would go!
For the price I would have expected a lot more. Good on you for calling them out!
Mary Burris recently posted…#BOTB Slade vs A-ha
Seems like an awesome place to go. My son loves legos, he would enjoy that place.
That’s a ridiculously high price for just a couple hours of playing with legos. I’d rather just buy some from a store!
Omg! This is good to know! I always see the events advertised and now that my daughter is getting older I’m sure she will suggest to go sometime…. Glad I know it’s not worth the loot!
I’ve never heard of the Lego Imagination Tour, but I don’t have kids. I still just remember the pain of stepping on legos in the dark from when my little brother was a child. OUCH!
Hmm… that sounds a bit too much just to play with Legos all day. If they planned more activities for the kids to enjoy then it would have been a lot better. It makes sense to not go back at all. Sorry you have to experience that.
My 7 year old would probably love this but for $28 for me to sit around…I’ll pass!
Wildish Jess recently posted…Making Room For Two: Evenflo Sibby Travel System Review
Lego is so fun! My son enjoyed every bits en pieces of it during his younger years. My daughter loved the hand me downs lego pieces from his brother. I saw this event last time on my feed and from experience .. sorry it was a letdown.
WOW, my son loves legos, but I don’t think I would be happy paying $28 for nothing. I mean you at least need a good goodie bag!
Oh this just sounds daft! There should be cool things to see and new/limited edition Lego for the kids to play with and definitely something for them to take home. So glad for the heads up, will not be taking my child there!
I went a few years back on a media pass and I didn’t realize it was that expensive. We actually had a lot of fun and built Lego models ourselves. I think you have to LOVE Legos to appreciate it.
$28 per person is a bit much why on earth would anyone pay that ludicrous amount of money?
Ana De- Jesus recently posted…Faded Spring Turns One
What an expensive event! I haven’t heard of the Lego Imagine Nation Tour before. My husband and daughter are huge fans of Lego, so I’m sure they’d like to attend. I prefer to stay at home 🙂
That is an insane amount of money to play with legos! I am so glad you shared about it. I know not to waste my money! Thank you!
That made me laugh when you said that they had chairs available for non Lego loving adults! 😉 We actually really love Legoland, so I would probably go to this in my town if it was there.
Lol Don’t say I didn’t warn you 😛 But like I said, if you had a HUGE Lego fan, you could totally see past all the not so fun part of the event (such as the price).
I can’t believe how much that costs! Seriously, the costs of LEGOs themselves is kind of ridiculous. I am so glad that I have avoided these events.
Echo recently posted…Dangers of the Millennial Mindset
I remember it being a bit costly to go in too. My son was 6? I remember he had a blast, so I was okay with it. The Duplo section ended up being his fave, even though at the time he said it was for babies. 😉
Wow, how nuts! I’m glad you got this off your chest. I think it’s ridiculous too!
I have heard of the Lego tour, but have never been. $28 seems quite steep for a 2 year old and legos 🙁
Rachel Mouton recently posted…Meet Pete and Natalie From Disney’s Pete’s Dragon #PetesDragonEvent
I attended the Lego Show about 2 years ago and I was amazed at the big Lego Batman and Hulk. Other than that I was bored too.
My kids love Legos, and while I think they would like this, I think it would be a huge waste of money. I would rather spend that money buying them Lego sets.
Wow – I will stay far away if this event comes to my area. My youngest loves lego and seeing this advertisied I might have purchased tickets, but not now!
That much money and you don’t even get one freakin’ Lego? Oh so not good…
Wow! I love legos. Its never too old to play legos. I wish there is a tour near us.
I usedta love legos! still do, would really like to visit the lego world in san diego. I truly enjoyed the movies too.
But I see where you’re coming from. its not for everyone
Yep! Sounds like a waste to me lol. I don’t like legos anyway. I think they are messy and drive me nuts.
This sounds disappointing, knowing they are a big company. I would rather spend my 28usd at home, to prepare good food and as you have mentioned, invite few of my son’s friends to come over for a small party.
Mhaan A recently posted…Cusina Natural Antibacterial Dishwashing Liquid: For Naturally Clean Homes
Sorry your trip was a bummer. I am one of those non lego loving adults. I am so glad my kiddos never really got into them.
My nephew is into legos. He just got some on his birthday a dew days ago.
I totally agree. My younger son who is now 19, loved legos. For that price, I could have purchased him a huge box of Legos. It is such a shame that they all over price things now.
Thanks – I was going to buy tickets for the Toronto event after hearing about it on the radio … but thanks to this blog, YouTube videos, etc. it seems like this even is poorly organized and lacklustre. You saved me $60+ …I’ll use that money for a ToysRUs Lego run instead.
Thanks for stopping by Lucas. Totally not worth the money at all in my opinion. =)
I agree, unfortunately we spent close to $100 (tickets and parking) on two adults and one 11 year old to attend the Lego imagination tour in Vancouver and we were severely disappointed. Based on the advertisement we expected to see a significant amount of Lego creations and instead we saw only a few. We’ve seen more Lego works in a Lego store. Next we thought we would have opportunity to speak to Lego masters and while the staff were helpful they were mostly there to move kids through the piles of Legos. The entire event is one where they have themed piles of Legos with kids scrambling to find enough pieces to make something interesting. They had nothing to do for kids over 8 and while they did have giveaways you had to stand in line for 45 minutes to get a $2 bag of 10 Lego pieces. Here’s what you should do instead. Take $100 dollars, go to the nearest toy store, buy a bunch of Legos, dump them in your living room, put on a Lego movie, take photos of your kids playing with the Legos and send the pictures to the Lego company and tell them you spend enough on their products that you don’t need to go to the Lego tour. Shame on Lego for charging parents to attend what is basically a large sales pitch.
Exactly! I was so disappointed with the event. The cost was not worth it at all. For the amount that I spent for the tickets, I would have been better off just to buy him a couple of boxes of Lego and watch him play at home. It’s sad because they could totally afford to do better.
I just got home from the Lego tour in downtown Toronto. I was also very disappointed in the event. I should have spent the money taking my kids to Lego land at Vaughan mills. We spent over 150 including parking…. Not again
We took public transport to go there. With parking, it would have been even more expensive. 150$ is horrible for the little to nothing offered.