I made it ya’ll! One week alone with the kids and the house is still standing. The kids are both alive. I’m alive. A bit tired but alive! Last Sunday I told you guys that Demo was leaving for a week on a business trip. I was so worried about being alone. You see; I have a very active imagination and kept thinking about natural disasters (*cough, zombie apocalypse*) that could happen while we were apart…don’t ask, I’m weird that way). After spending one week alone with them children, I realized there are things that I really missed while he was gone.
3 Reasons why I miss you – One week alone recap!
The most that I’ve been alone with the kids is the few hours that Demo is at work or if he goes out to play Magic: The Gathering. He’s never slept out, and I think the latest he’s ever made it home is around 11 pm. So him being gone for a whole week was brand new for the kids and me.
One the first night I was soo scared of being alone! I took the kids into my bedroom and put the laundry basket behind the closed door. Like that would keep the zombies away! The nights after I didn’t put the basket there (figured that unless the zombies were planning on folding the dang laundry, there really wasn’t a point). Although we still had family dinners every night while he was gone, it just wasn’t the same.
Other than that, the kids were “well” behaved and surprisingly enough, I was able to get them both to bed before 8 pm the whole week that he was gone. But still, I missed him a lot. Especially for the 3 reasons below.
Face to face venting about the kids.
Although we talked every day while he was gone, venting is so much better when done face to face. Especially after a long day of dealing with the toddler.
Someone that takes the trash out.
Ok first, I should say that I’ve taken the trash out lots of time. BUT, it’s so much better when he does it! Lol, We have this huge garbage bin that gets picked up every second Wednesday. I’ve gotten so used to him doing it that I ended up forgetting to put it out on the curb for pick up. Yep, total fail.
His snoring!
This came as a HUGE shock to me! But while he was gone I missed his snoring. I know!! The same snoring that kept me out of the bedroom for the first six months of both of my children’s life. The same snoring that would wake me up and kept me up for hours on end, that’s the sound that I missed the most while he was gone. It’s such a protective sound in the dark of the night. It’s so loud that I’m pretty sure that’s what’s keeping the zombies away.
All zombies jokes aside, I really missed having him around for hugs and moral support when I’m feeling some type of way. One week alone wasn’t too bad but the kids and I are really happy that he is back.
So these are my 3 reasons why I miss him. What are you grateful for this week? I love hearing from you.
Be sure to come back next Sunday for another Grateful Sunday post.
Let’s connect!
My husband snores like crazy, it drives me nuts. If I am traveling it is one of the things I don’t miss at all!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All recently posted…DVD REVIEW – Long Way North
LOL After he’s been back for a day I was over his snoring! hehehe
You’re so funny – zombie apocalypse. I spent my first year of marriage pregnant in Hawaii with my hubby stationed in Japan, so I’m used to being alone. But I agree, face to face conversations are so much nicer and intimate.
Erlene Amat recently posted…Out of the Box Hot Breakfast Recipes – February Hot Breakfast Month
I am happy you “survived” a week alone. It is difficult to be in that situation when you’ve been so used to your husband being home with you. My husband and I always seem to be hogging the sheets so I guess if he is gone for a week, that will be what I will miss – no one tugging at the sheets! 🙂
Oh wow, you go mama! I thought going 1 day with no help from husband last year was hard when he had to go a state over to help with a roofing job was tough with 3 kids. 1 week would be hard for sure but learn patience 🙂
Alicia recently posted…Check Out The Fate of the Furious Trailer! #F8 #TheFateOfTheFurious
Omg I couldn’t imagine my hubby going out of town for a week!!!!! He’s usually the only adult contact I get in a day besides all the blogs I read lol
I hate when my husband travels. I miss him hogging the bed so I totally get it! Hope you have a great week!
Aww, it’s crazy how much we depend on another person and their weird quirks when they’re suddenly gone. I’ve only been married to my husband since May, but on the rare nights we aren’t together, it feels strange to go to bed without him!
Having a special someone to spend life together is so important. I am glad you found the perfect match. And I confess I do miss my hubby’s snores when he is not home =)
Totally know how you feel! My husband and I had never really been apart until a couple years ago and he started having business trips. The first one was 3 days, and my boys were about 6 and 18 months. It was awful. I missed him so badly and felt like I needed a vacation. Then…the next one was a week. I was scared like you and had the boys sleep in my room. I also stayed up super late most nights because I hated going to bed without him there. haha Glad you made it through! 😉
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