Today’s post is a guest post and it’s from a very dear friend. Not too long ago I shared my JaFleu painting collection with you and I mentioned that Jason was taking a bit of a break. Well today he is here to tell you guys about a project that is very near and dear to him. Introducing, Exhibit Treal. I hope you guys take a minute and read and share this. I’m so amazed by the person that he is.
Jason: Now I know what some of you are thinking “Is this some kind of publicity stunt? This guy can’t possibly be retiring is he?” I assure this is nothing of the sort. This is simply allowing God to work and going with the flow. This is about evolution. And that leads us to this moment, the exit from painting.
Well, it’s more like a sabbatical. It’s been rather remarkable how far in life I’ve come by using a paintbrush. But I’m burnt out from it. And before I end up having some disdain for art, I need to back up and concentrate on other things. And with that said….. Enter “Exhibit Treal”.
The one thing in these years I’ve learned to know I loved most, even beyond art is helping other artists and the community. So I’m channeling all of my focus to the non-profit I’m branding under Exhibit Treal.
Exhibit Treal is about providing opportunities for artists who otherwise have a hard time getting shots. Exhibit Treal will be mostly focusing on black artists in Palm Beach County. Being one myself, I first hand fully understand that battle. In addition, I think it’s important to provide a voice for those in need with the platform I have.
And that extends pass just visual arts but all of them. It’s about exhibiting the trealness in all forms. So if it’s treal, you better believe we are showing the love. One thing Exhibit Treal will never do though is speak negatively about artist. If it isn’t treal, we just don’t acknowledge it. Life is too short and people’s art mean too much to them to send any bad vibes their way. Not everything is for everybody.
Community is the heartbeat of what Exhibit Treal is. Long before it had a title, long before I curated group shows I used art as a vehicle to give back and do positive things for the people. That’s just how I was raised, rather it be raising funds for community projects, food/toy drives, collections for Haiti, donating 100% of my sales to various organizations. It’s continuously been about the greater good and not the profit.
So in the most simplistic breakdown possible “Ain’t no one man above the crew” as Raheem puts it in the movie “Juice”. The true measure of a man isn’t to me what accolades he garners for himself but what he can do for others through that. Else it’s all for not.
With all that said: Be safe, Keep what you kill & Stay Treal
If you would like to sponsor Exhibit Treal feel free to contact is.
Istagram: @exhibittreal
Twitter: @exhibittreal
I love learning about different art exhibits that highlight creative people and work. Living in Chicago there are so many different galleries and artists to explore–I’m so lucky.
Amanda recently posted…Spring Fever Crafts
I love that they help artists find opportunities. I was an art major and loved being creative but struggled with the opportunity part. The sense of community here is great
wow this is absolutely amazing. It is very inspiring to see others out there with the heart and drive to help others. Keep up the great work!
What you are giving to your community Jason, is nothing but remarkable, I wish you much success in your new Venture and will be watching with much anticipation! <3
This sounds like such a wonderful project. I always love when people give back to the community and it sounds like you will be doing a world of good.
Wow what an amazing sounding programme – I love that they are helping give talented people a boost they wouldn’t otherwise have. x
That is so awesome that they help provide opportunities for artists!
This is indeed an awesome guest post. I love the idea of the Exhibit Treal. It is so true that not all art pieces etc are for everyone. All art made by the artist really does mean so much to them even if it means nothing to some.
What a great opportunity for artists to connect and get their work seen!
Sound like this is going to be a great event.
Hope that he finds just the right artists and that this event is a huge success!
I love that he is helping people, but with the internet I am surprised that so many people are still struggling.
This is such a great project and a great thing you are doing. I hope a lot of people help sponsor, I would if I could.
People helping people, best thing ever!
It’s great to have such options for artists. Especially the new ones coming up and feeling so unsure about their footing.
Good luck on your future endeavors!
What a great way for artists to get their work out. This would be cool to see.
tara pittman recently posted…Why Do I Run?
This is a commendable effort and will be great of help to up and coming artists who will be under the wing of Exhibit Treal. I wish them the best. I’m positive that this will fly.
R U S S recently posted…Food Trip: Home-Cooked Steamboat in KL
How awesome is this !! This sounds like something i would do.
Very nice to see an artist helping others in the community. I just went to check out your previous post (and wound up entering the giveaway). How cool to have a painting like that done of yourself – love that it came from a photo. My favorite is the painting below because I love artwork that pays homage to the female body, and she has wings and an apple in her hand…it’s like a fairy tale.
Yona Williams recently posted…I Love the NACOCO Adidog Panda Dog Hoodie
What an amazing, inspiring project!! Love this. Thanks for sharing!
I am happy to see that the arts are alive and well. We need outlets like this to remain open to expression and to the introduction of new ideas.
Carlee C. recently posted…Animal Cracker Parfait Recipe! Easy Dessert Creation for a Snack or Party! #JungleBook
What a beautiful project, you’re going to help a lot of artists in the future. It’s a great opportunity for them. I hope everything goes well. Best of luck to you!
I love the idea of Exhibit Treal. It is great that artists have another option to showcase their talents. I genuinely wish all the success.
This sounds like a great program filled with lots of opportunities for artists. JaFleu sounds like such a great person and I applaud him for helping out others as well.
Amanda Love recently posted…Keep Your Little One’s Mind Active with the Little Scholar Tablet {Giveaway}
The arts ought to be promoted more and this is a wonderful project to help with that. Thanks for sharing.
Claudette recently posted…Speak Your Truth, Always
I love what this is all about. Some people don’t have the same opportunities others do and it sounds like Treal helps give them a platform.
Yes! Keep it real and stay treal and agree sometimes we need to step away from the things we love in order to get some headspace and as you say not develop a disdain for it!
Ana De- Jesus recently posted…I Am A Blogger Because…
Sounds like a great project!
Tamason Gamble recently posted…10 Reasons for Visiting the York Literature Festival (2016)
Saw the video. Liked it very much. Creativity is an art. Being creative is not everybody’s cup of tea. Great post.
The Arts is not given nearly the credit it deserves. Good to see someone thinking about the Arts
Mardene Carr recently posted…Ruby Bridges – Then and Now
I love the arts! Especially love when the arts enable people to get opportunities they otherwise wouldn’t.
That sounds like a great project for great artistic experience
I love when artists make such creative things! Creativity is one of the most neccesary things in this world
I love the saying “Not everything is for everybody”. There’s no way we can please everyone. We just have to be true to ourselves.
This is so inspiring, a great opportunity to bring artists together!
Sounds like a great opportunity to help artists.
Beth@FrugalFroggie recently posted…LEGO KidsFest Kansas City, Missouri May 13-15
What a great project! This is a great way for established artists to give back to the art community
Healing Tomato recently posted…Cold Pasta Salad Recipe
This looks like a wonderful exhibit! I hope this is a huge success! I am a huge art fan!