Milka Oreo Chocolate + Walmart Gift Card Giveaway

Are you tempted? These MILKA OREO Chocolate Candy Bars are delicious!! The crunchy bits of Oreo, creme filling, and rich European Milka chocolate make this delicious treat a match made in heaven. Whether you want to share a bar with your friends or family or stash it in the pantry for a midnight snack, MILKA OREO Chocolate Candy bars are perfect for any occasion. Use this Ibotta offer to get $.50 off your MILKA OREO Chocolate Candy.

Today we’re giving away 5 – YES 5 – $25 Walmart Gift Cards so you can buy even more MILKA OREO Chocolate Candy. I want you to take a picture of you enjoying your MILKA OREO Chocolate Candy and tag @TheAnnmarieJohn on social media using the hashtag #TryOREOChocolate as well as enter our giveaway form below. AnnMarie John will be choosing 5 lucky winners on June 1st. Good luck and enjoy your MILKA OREO.
Will you be giving MILKA OREO Chocolate Candy a try?
Special thanks to AnnMarie for hosting this giveaway.
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